I got beat up by 4 dudes about 10 years ago. when i was a senior in high school, I was sucker punched , pushed shoved from all directions, and when i was down one of them stood me back up by kicking me in the head, I was previously in a bad BMX accident so i was "scabby"and all my scabbs broke open. I ran from the whoopin like a little ***** and went home.
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Whats the worst ass whoopin you ever took
Knee to the face in rugby, knocked my out cold, I lost my mouth guard and my tooth got busted it out. Blood like i never scene.
I got Jumped once too coming out of a liquer store too. there was a bunch of guys waiting for me. I didn't even know them and I took one step out of the place and i was blind sidded....lol. I did not even see it coming. They laughed and ran away He hit me so good, I have one of those black eyes that are blue,green,black,yellow,purple and my eye ball was red.
highschool 9th grade (prior to everyone thinking i was the devil incarnate) 3 people jump me with brass knuckles simply cause i'm white. i got decked my chin split open i saw purple then red then black then a mix of the 3 somehow choked out one of them, then ran like hell. somehow never saw them again.