What amazes me is we have Clinton lying under oath. Comey saying she lied and nothing happening. Then to top it off the Clinton foundation is being investigated and we get notta so far. Anyone under the scope of a FBI investigation and they will find something.
I'll tell you much, if charges are filled on ***** for some BS this country will be in a civil war. Elections won't be the same. If ***** were to some how get impeached Pence would take over. Lol that would be funny. Pence is far more conservative than *****. Libs would be a mess.
That all said, I have 100.00 to the first person that wants to bet ***** finishes his term.
I'll tell you much, if charges are filled on ***** for some BS this country will be in a civil war. Elections won't be the same. If ***** were to some how get impeached Pence would take over. Lol that would be funny. Pence is far more conservative than *****. Libs would be a mess.
That all said, I have 100.00 to the first person that wants to bet ***** finishes his term.