Originally posted by BattlingNelson
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You probably more than me, we deal with idiots... I can’t describe these look at me selfie, pretending to be online fake see how I’m pretending to be happy to make you wish you were me lil sissy dudes... I wish them no ill will, but, I think, they need to own up to the heavy weight and responsibility that is a man’s life... I got five sisters... two married dudes I nearly beat to death... I struggle daily... three kids... etc... I try to offer my best advice based on my experience....
I wish I had power to fix the world, and help everyone... reality is harsh... real harsh...
I sometimes wish I could just be a smart *** boy and not an idiot.... I wish so many things that I don’t know how to achieve...
I want to leave the world a better place, but apparently I can’t... I thought, as a kid coming up, I thought could do anything, but I never understood how to navigate a system I never Constructed for my amesument...
Peace brother.... peace... if I have inadvertently offended you... I’m sorry... peace...