Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520
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Portland, OR school shooting - CNN
Originally posted by ßringer View PostTo those people, your life means less than their rights.
They wouldn't feel a ****ing thing if you were the next casualty of random gun violence. Sad, but true.
Something clearly needs to be done and if it bothers them that much about a possible gun sanction then perhaps they should look to move to another country like Iraq/Syria and then they can see how well they fair in a land of hardly any rules.
Originally posted by Red Cyclone View PostAs soon as something terrible happens you see the majority of these pro guns activist spouting their usual hatred and ignoring the fact that another innocent life has been took from the thing they so desperately try to defend.
Something clearly needs to be done and if it bothers them that much about a possible gun sanction then perhaps they should look to move to another country like Iraq/Syria and then they can see how well they fair in a land of hardly any rules.
It certainly beats being forced to live in a society that I never advocated for in the first place.
Even the news anchors seemed to have given up hope. "Not again, sadly we know the protocol for such events". They were 1 day from summer break - and now they are surely scarred for life.
he only killed one? these new school shooters just dont have it in them
its a fad now these kids just want to be famous they dont have the passion to kill dozens
someone should make a homemade bomb or buy a machine gun think big ya know
Killed 1, wounded a couple - 2 teachers it seems.
This was the 74th school shooting since Sandy Hook in late 2012. That is like 2 a month or something. Half have been fatal. It really is quite shocking as looking in we see a country that is rich and developed, with good courts and laws and honest administrators for the post part.
****, how many shootings have their been this past few years? Feels like a new one every week. I honestly stopped paying attention to them. They're like car accident news to me now. The last one I kind of followed was Sandy Hook.
Can someone in the US explain to me why the NRA can bulldoze gun legislation if the people want it?
I understand they own the NRA thru monetary power - but there must be **********s who are sick of this savagery too.
Originally posted by ßringer View PostWhat's with this (relatively new) obsession with blaming the pharmaceutical industry for random acts of violence? Where did this ridiculous theory first rear its ugly head?
It's been proven time and time again that people who suffer from depression are far more likely to hurt themselves than to hurt somebody else.Originally posted by ßringer View Post...And just like that another ****** conspiracy theory is born.
I could provide you with the links to the last 4, 5 or 6 shootings and it is a common denominator in all of them. Of coarse you could either choose to debunk my theory or do the research yourself.
Originally posted by DonMega View PostIts not a conspiracy theory, Its a simple observation really. Most of these kids are on some sort of medication treating some sort of "ailment" plain and simple.
I could provide you with the links to the last 4, 5 or 6 shootings and it is a common denominator in all of them. Of coarse you could either choose to debunk my theory or do the research yourself.
Furthermore, even if true, since when does a common denominator equate to motive? You know what else was a common denominator in all of those shootings? Guns. Oh, and male shooters.
"All men with guns are crazed spree killers!!!"
See how ridiculous that sounds?