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    Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post

    By your logic every illness should play out naturally. That means no treatments for any disease just let people die.
    no but people should always try natural things before artificial. people just want a quick fix that is the problem, its shown the virus replicates in the fat tissue but rather than make weight loss the main approach, its easier for people to just get a jab and believe that gives them protection. and that way the government avoids hurting anyones 'feelings' about their body image. the whole focus of this thing should have been weight loss, healthy diet and then the jab if people felt another line of defense was needed. Instead theyve just gone down the line of locking everyone down saying things will be great when the jab comes along, the jab works okay initially then shock horror the virus mutates and it doesnt work and now everyone is ****ed who thought the jab would solve all their problems. the problem with the western world is that the 'normal' body shape is now overweight, most people dont even realise they are fat cause they dont stand out, just look at the average person on the street. anyone who says it effects everyone needs to give me a long list of healthy athletes who have died with this. people like you start crying saying its the unvaccinated who are holding us back but really it should be people like me who are annoyed, someone who keeps themselves fit and healthy and had a year or 2 wasted of my life because of a virus which is affecting the elderly and overweight.its ****ing insane that in terms of morality that a fat pig who gets a jab is seen as more 'responsible and protected' then someone in their 20s who is fit healthy and doesnt want a jab injected into them that they dont need
    Last edited by Madison Boxing; 01-22-2022, 02:12 PM.


      Originally posted by Madison boxing View Post

      no but people should always try natural things before artificial. people just want a quick fix that is the problem, its shown the virus replicates in the fat tissue but rather than make weight loss the main approach, its easier for people to just get a jab and believe that gives them protection. and that way the government avoids hurting anyones 'feelings' about their body image. the whole focus of this thing should have been weight loss, healthy diet and then the jab if people felt another line of defense was needed. Instead theyve just gone down the line of locking everyone down saying things will be great when the jab comes along, the jab works okay initially then shock horror the virus mutates and it doesnt work and now everyone is ****ed who thought the jab would solve all their problems. the problem with the western world is that the 'normal' body shape is now overweight, most people dont even realise they are fat cause they dont stand out, just look at the average person on the street. anyone who says it effects everyone needs to give me a long list of healthy athletes who have died with this. people like you start crying saying its the unvaccinated who are holding us back but really it should be people like me who are annoyed, someone who keeps themselves fit and healthy and had a year or 2 wasted of my life because of a virus which is affecting the elderly and overweight.its ****ing insane that in terms of morality that a fat pig who gets a jab is seen as more 'responsible and protected' then someone in their 20s who is fit healthy and doesnt want a jab injected into them that they dont need
      Nobody would even know if you idiots had the jab or not, it's you that want's the attention telling everyone you're not vaxxed. Governments have been telling people to get healthy for decades. It takes a long time for a fat **** to get fit even if they choose to. Unvaxxed are dying at a higher rate than fatties who are vaxxed, so yes is still works.


        Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post

        Survival rate is higher for vaxxed fatties than unvaxxed.

        Go make a thread about fat ****s if you want to discuss that.
        Who stopping you obese twats from getting shot?


          Originally posted by GrandpaBernard View Post

          Who stopping you obese twats from getting shot?
          You? You live in the fattest country in the world.


            Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post

            You mean people that already had delta weren't likely to get it again? Wow, there's one problem with that, you have to have it to get immunity. The first reply on twitter destroys the anti vaxxers argument.

            I didn't read any comments. People were talking natural immunity from the beginning including scientists but they were silenced by the take the vaccine crowd.

            I'm not anti vax, everyone in my house has had it, my daughter got her 2nd shot yesterday so I'm not part of the wacky it will kill you crowd. I am against people forcing it down peoples throats though. It's their decision to make, not anyone elses. As we've seen, the vaccine other than maybe helping survival rate among the compromised, does nothing to stop spread so saying everyone needs it to protect everyone else doesn't add up at all.

            We all will get it and most will by just fine and if people don't want to get it and risk their health, that's on them and none of my buisness or yours.


              Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post

              Nobody would even know if you idiots had the jab or not, it's you that want's the attention telling everyone you're not vaxxed. Governments have been telling people to get healthy for decades. It takes a long time for a fat **** to get fit even if they choose to. Unvaxxed are dying at a higher rate than fatties who are vaxxed, so yes is still works.
              bull****ing ****, give me a list of athletes who have died from it. theres thousands in the premier league alone, not one dead.


                Originally posted by Madison boxing View Post

                bull****ing ****, give me a list of athletes who have died from it. theres thousands in the premier league alone, not one dead.
                The majority are vaxxed, so how does that help you?


                  Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post

                  You? You live in the fattest country in the world.
                  fattie Barrett in his infinite idiocy

                  You afraid your crapccine won’t protect you from the unvaccinated



                    Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post

                    The majority are vaxxed, so how does that help you?
                    so noone caught covid until the vaccine came out? a lot arent vaxxed, especially in the lower leagues and that would be big news too if someone from championship or league 1 died, it would be plastered all over your beloved mainstream media to fit their 'NOONE IS SAFE' narrative


                      Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post

                      The majority are vaxxed, so how does that help you?
                      can i just say to u aswell, i have had the virus unvaxxed, the stronger strain aswell and it wasnt bad at all. the way you talk about it its as if you are playing with fire not having a vaccine, if you rewind back to the start of the pandemic they didnt even talk about vaccine in younger people, it was only when pfizer and moderna pushed it to make as much money as possible. actually read some articles from years ago and the change in tone is crazy, back then it was openly saying how unlikely you are to be affected if not in a vulnerable category (before jabs even came out), now they are talking about giving it to 5 years olds and you are basically considered a criminal if you havent had 3 jabs

