Originally posted by siablo14
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NFL/CFB 2021-2022 Master Thread
Originally posted by siablo14 View Post
You got kicked out cuz nobody likes you.
So you keep insulting how poor philippines was and when i said philippines is the N of asia, im now racist. Even though that happened like more than 5 yrs ago and i never said that word again.
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Originally posted by B.UTLER View Post
Hey ****** ivd been playing with big dunn for maybe 10 yrs now. You think he's cool if i'm racist.
You got kicked out cuz nobody likes you.
So you keep insulting how poor philippines was and when i said philippines is the N of asia, im now racist. Even though that happened like more than 5 yrs ago and i never said that word again.
I told you not to.
You have yet to apologize.
If you think it isn't a big deal, how about you share you personal info so we can see if your job and folks who do business with the company that you work with would be cool with you using.
Originally posted by siablo14 View Post
Maybe Dunn doesn't have a problem with you using it.
I told you not to.
You have yet to apologize.
If you think it isn't a big deal, how about you share you personal info so we can see if your job and folks who do business with the company that you work with would be cool with you using.
Im not even the one who got you banned.. you keep calling someone the N word so you got banned..
Also im reporting you to bostonguy for threatening/doxxing which is subject permabanned..
Originally posted by B.UTLER View Post
This is the reason why cant come bac.. you keep threatening people you will destroy them in real life and im not only talking about me.. you did that to shoulderoll too
Im not even the one who got you banned.. you keep calling someone the N word so you got banned..
Also im reporting you to bostonguy for threatening/doxxing which is subject permabanned..
Green - I issued no threats but if you and Roll think what y'all are doing is no big deal, do it publicly under you true profile and let's see what happens.
Blue - Got banned/permabanned twice. It was both you and pitiful Nate complaining to Reed.
Orange - The clown is itching to ban me so he probably will even though I issued no threat.
A Black man is getting banned because he is confronting a racist Asian man. Good one. Bring it on BostonGuy
You keep saying im racist but neglect to say you started it by keep insulting my country and saying it's so poor, etc. why dont YOU post your real account and say those things in a pinoy forum..
I dont know why you keep wanting my attention.. you got banned in fantasy cuz you keep using the N word on Nate..
Originally posted by Comanche View Post
Why dont QBs run more when no one is open? Because that 3 yard gain they get due to LBs dropping in coverage isnt worth getting run down and exploded by said LBs.
You are a pretty funny dude. Whats your team?
Less risk of injury
Less time consuming
I like teams that having real QB's
Presently KC.
I was a fan of Mahomes when he was at TTU.
A great scoring machine
A laughable Defense.
That seemed to have followed him to the pros.
Fouts, Marino, Montana, Brees, Peyton......
I tried my hand at comedy....needless to say it didn't go well.