This is what it is, Chauvin killed a man by his actions. I respect law & order, but cops needs to get put on notice. Chauvin needs to go down.
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Anyone watching this George Floyd trial?
Originally posted by travestyny View Post
I have to admit, man. It is really su****ious that you are trying to find wiggle room for this cop. What's up with that?
But in regards to this cop I don’t think he should get off, I don’t think he’s innocent, I think the proper conviction is that of manslaughter. 2nd degree murder is really hard to prove, especially coupled with George’s underlying conditions. But even if he is convicted which he very well might be, it’s not like I’m going to shed a tear. I’ll think it was the wrong conviction due to political and media forces but in the end I don’t have any special attachment to him because he’s white. Honestly I just wanted to keep this topic to the details of this case irrelevant of race (I know very hard to do here) until like I said the guy who comically thinks everything is white supremacy wanted to add his 2 cents.
Originally posted by JimRaynor View Post
Your type is predictable as it is ******, run long along and watch some Tariq Nasheed, his latest hidden colors is out.
I don't watch Tariq Nasheed. But whatever he's saying obviously triggered you and keeps you up at night. That's good enough for me
Originally posted by JimRaynor View Post
Trav, I have far more respect for you than your comrade Joseph who finds white supremacy in everything including the shіt he takes if it’s not brown enough.
But in regards to this cop I don’t think he should get off, I don’t think he’s innocent, I think the proper conviction is that of manslaughter. 2nd degree murder is really hard to prove, especially coupled with George’s underlying conditions. But even if he is convicted which he very well might be, it’s not like I’m going to shed a tear. I’ll think it was the wrong conviction due to political and media forces but in the end I don’t have any special attachment to him because he’s white. Honestly I just wanted to keep this topic to the details of this case irrelevant of race (I know very hard to do here) until like I said the guy who comically thinks everything is white supremacy wanted to add his 2 cents.
What do you think of the law now that you realize it's the way I stated it. He just had to cause substantial bodily harm. I think it's clear that he did going by the autopsy reports, right? There is no proof that he would have died barring the knee on his neck, bruv. Let's keep it real here.
Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
As usual no intelligent counter point to anything said here. You've been exposed once again as the insecure little white supremacist that you've always been.
I don't watch Tariq Nasheed. But whatever he's saying obviously triggered you and keeps you up at night. That's good enough for me
Originally posted by travestyny View Post
I got you. But you have to did pull out a defense regarding restraining orders and domestic abuse. Maybe you just overlooked that part of it, but seemed like you tried to jump to that one when you saw "intentionally" there.
What do you think of the law now that you realize it's the way I stated it. He just had to cause substantial bodily harm. I think it's clear that he did going by the autopsy reports, right? There is no proof that he would have died barring the knee on his neck, bruv. Let's keep it real here.
Originally posted by JimRaynor View Post
The substantial bodily harm still has to be intentional for it to be 2nd degree and that lays the crux, proving intentional. The knee to the neck was definitely the catalyst for the death. I think it’s safe to say even with Floyd’s condition he wouldn’t have died otherwise. And the fact he held it on there for so long was negligent, but even with that said did he intend to commit bodily harm or was he trying not to take any shіt from the bystanders who told him to get off? After all this was police procedure. The negligence is worthy of manslaughter, I don’t think you can clearly prove without a reasonable doubt intent to cause serious bodily harm.
Originally posted by travestyny View Post
Ok, bruv. We are going to have to agree to disagree, because if sitting on that man's neck while he was pleading for his life saying he can't breathe and that everything hurt, and even while they were checking his pulse is not enough intent to cause bodily harm for you, we definitely won't see eye to eye on this.