Originally posted by Smokin'J
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Dragon Age 2 - Discussion, Impressions, gameplay and general talk!
Its to dumbed down now, its also a lot easier than Dragon Age Origins and tactics don't really come into play during battles, I also don't like how you cant change your companions armor.
I have completed the game twice now its good but not great and the story seems pretty pale in comparison with the first.
Hero of Ferelden>>>>>>>>>>>Champion of Kirkwall
Combat is 1000x better than DA:O... that's about it though. Some of the character interaction and development for them was better than DA:O I guess. The plot and story was inferior to DA:O.
The difficulty on Nightmare is ****ing insanely hard, I'm about 1/4 of the way through on my second playthrough, first on hard and this one is on Nightmare. It's ridiculous.
Overall it's a fine game, and you can only hope they put forth more time in a better environment in the 3rd game, but it certainly seems as though they will.