InWhat do I need to focus on to improve not getting gassed so quicky?
I always notices during pads that first 1 minute to minute half I am explosive and alert but once that 2 minute mark hits my punches get slower, less techniqual and my legs are in the mud. I breath heavy and literally cant move or react to anything. It mostly during pads cause of the constant workload where as in sparring you can pace yourself more by moving in my experience.
I already to aerobic 35 minutes runs three times a week.
I suppose I need to work on my anaerobic endurance or more my muscle endurance/ strength endurance?
And what exercises would you recommend
I always notices during pads that first 1 minute to minute half I am explosive and alert but once that 2 minute mark hits my punches get slower, less techniqual and my legs are in the mud. I breath heavy and literally cant move or react to anything. It mostly during pads cause of the constant workload where as in sparring you can pace yourself more by moving in my experience.
I already to aerobic 35 minutes runs three times a week.
I suppose I need to work on my anaerobic endurance or more my muscle endurance/ strength endurance?
And what exercises would you recommend