OK- i am an idiot for even trying this at age 52, but i did it. started training at the gym about 7 or 8 months ago. mostly from youtube videos cus the owner of the gym isn't really interested with investing his time with a 52 year old man. so i got my jab and cross down OK on the heavy bag. learned how to parry in the ring. HTEHN TODAY - I sparred for the first time. Totally humiliating. Felt like the only thing i could do to block the punches was clam up by holding my gloves in front of my face as i tried to unsuccessfully back away. could barely get any connects on my jabs and was physically exhausted very quickly despite being able to run and jump rope with no problems. this experience of performing so poorly is really messing with my head.
I realllly want to learn how to defend myself but just do not know if i can do this again given my utter incompetence and humiliation.
I realllly want to learn how to defend myself but just do not know if i can do this again given my utter incompetence and humiliation.