Sorry ive mucked the title its meant to read 'Advice to beginner on heavy bag'
Hey guys, ive been boxing a month or so with a club, fitness is coming together along with movement, however im 20 and for 3 years ive been bodybuilding, I was 72kg at 16 yrs and I am now 91kg around 13% BF and being killed in sparring by lads at 70kg Lol. Im not getting much 1on1 help atm as im a newbie and I guess I could quit at a moments notice, I box 4x a week, but on the off days I was wondering if there was any routines to use on the heavy bag that could help me as my left leading hand is weak in comparison to my right.
Hey guys, ive been boxing a month or so with a club, fitness is coming together along with movement, however im 20 and for 3 years ive been bodybuilding, I was 72kg at 16 yrs and I am now 91kg around 13% BF and being killed in sparring by lads at 70kg Lol. Im not getting much 1on1 help atm as im a newbie and I guess I could quit at a moments notice, I box 4x a week, but on the off days I was wondering if there was any routines to use on the heavy bag that could help me as my left leading hand is weak in comparison to my right.