Really liked the drill of the first Minute, dealing with pressure and lateral movement, and angles are what I always repeat to my son, very good video, I would liked to have seen a bit more head movement from him while hitting the mitts though, and he needs to tuck that chin in more, he moved good but his head has to be a harder target.
Really liked the drill of the first Minute, dealing with pressure and lateral movement, and angles are what I always repeat to my son, very good video, I would liked to have seen a bit more head movement from him while hitting the mitts though, and he needs to tuck that chin in more, he moved good but his head has to be a harder target.
Good Job.
When I got home and broke this down, i saw 18 million mistakes and bad technique. It sucks because im a perfectionist. That's why we train I guess. Developing Ole has been a process. He is just starting to really study feinting and head movement deeply. We had to work on some other things 1st. He has excellent reflexes and a good defense but like you said I want his head moving subtle anyway. He is studying Mexican fighters right now because they have excellent feints, subtle, and they change speeds on their head movement and feints. The season starts soon and I can't wait to watch Ole mature.
Ive seen your vids before. Isnt Ole a bit old to start fighting? Maybe he just wanna learn how to box? I liked this work in grass, try sand next time.
This playlist on youtube answers a few of your questions. I will also answer a couple. Ole has 6 amateur boxing fights (5-1) 2 amateur MMA fights (2-0) and 44 grappling/submission wrestling matches (forget recored but he holds his own).
Watch this playlist to see us training on sand, grass, concrete, mats, and gym floors.