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Bulking up to 140 or 150

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    Bulking up to 140 or 150

    Hello everyone, I'm 19 right now, and my goal is to put on some lean muscle. I'm 5'7-5'8 126 right now. While boxing my trainers wanted me to fight at 119, but I really would like to put on some muscle and bulk up to 140-150. My body goal is to have a body like Timothy Bradley's:


    After I finish my bulk, I plan on getting back into the boxing gym stronger and in some nice shape. Anywho, my main question is, should I bulk? I'm very iffy on following through with this and actually doing it, how will this effect my boxing abilities? While boxing I was pretty much a Outside fighter and sometimes I would fight a boxer-puncher style. What will my advantages and disadvantages be bulking up in terms of boxing competitively at a amateur level.




      It could possibly slow you down, the added weight. Not necessarily putting on more muscle but being heavier could slow you down.

      It's also possible your stamina may get jacked up. Since I assume you haven't been that weight before. So you may have to rebuild your stamina all over again, to compensate for the added weight.

      At the same time you could put on some fast twitch muscle. Possibly increasing power.

      As for bulking or not. It's totally up to you. Most boxers start their minimum weight before increasing in weight. ie: cut to feather early, later career fight welterweight. But there is nothing wrong with fighting the weight you really want to fight.

      Just know it's harder to get rid of that muscle once you put it on. So make sure you really want to start at JWW or Super Feather at the least. As cutting from 140 to 126 will be really hard.

      Good luck with it though man. Whatever you choose to do.


        Bear in mind, muscles require oxygen to work, so the more muscle you have, the more oxygen you'll need. This means that as you put on muscle, your cardio will have to increase to compensate.

        I'm trying to bulk at the moment, too. I'm a very lean 185, and I'd like to put on 10lbs within 10 months or so. No rush though...


          you will tire a hell of a lot faster


            you know you're on a boxing forum when somebody calls hitting 140 to 150 bulking up. gotta love it.

            i'm glad you are in shape, try and stay that way and stay light.
            20 lbs (or 20 lb bigger opponents) can make or break you as a fighter.

            not everybody is manny pacquiao. most guys cannot hurt or take punches from guys who are that much larger than they are at a level where they can be effective. and then there's height and reach

            tim bradley didnt bulk up to look like that.

            in fact, bradley's roadwork regimen is as heavy as anybody's. on leave it in the ring radio he told a story where he absentmindedly ran 20 miles before the day of a weigh in. i saw him tell the same story during a recorded press conference.
            he couldnt do that if he were lifting weights to build his body.

            if you want to be conditioned to be a better boxer i'd do whatever your coaches tell you. if you want to get stronger, as them about it.

            if you want to build your body the key to gaining weight is eating lots of food and lifting heavy weights.
            that's not boxing.

