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Best Female Workout?

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    Best Female Workout?

    anyone got workout suggestions for women?

    this is my routine as of now.

    1st Exercise consists 3 Sets of

    1. Knee Tucks 20 reps
    2. Sprint
    3. Medicine Ball Slam at the end of sprint 20 reps

    2nd Exercise consists 3 Sets of

    1. Lounges 30 reps
    2. Bear Walk
    3. Mountain Climbers 30 reps

    3rd Exercise consists 3 Sets of

    1. Jump Squats 30 reps
    2. Push Ups 20 reps
    3. Squat Dumbbell Row 20 reps

    4th Exercise are usually Ab Workout Routine 20-30 reps to finish off.

    any more suggestions to add or might be not to good in my routine that i can change?

    Originally posted by PartyGurL View Post
    anyone got workout suggestions for women?

    this is my routine as of now.

    1st Exercise consists 3 Sets of

    1. Knee Tucks 20 reps
    2. Sprint
    3. Medicine Ball Slam at the end of sprint 20 reps

    2nd Exercise consists 3 Sets of

    1. Lounges 30 reps
    2. Bear Walk
    3. Mountain Climbers 30 reps

    3rd Exercise consists 3 Sets of

    1. Jump Squats 30 reps
    2. Push Ups 20 reps
    3. Squat Dumbbell Row 20 reps

    4th Exercise are usually Ab Workout Routine 20-30 reps to finish off.

    any more suggestions to add or might be not to good in my routine that i can change?
    theres really not much of a diffrence between men and women cept that men have testosterone and women have estrogen and while testosterone helps build muscle and burn fat estrogen really only helps build fat.

    so if your fine with your work out and you see results then its a fine work out though id add some extra cardio elipicital, bike, light jogging, light shadow boxing stuff like that to help keep the fat off.

    also im not sure if you do 3 sets of 20-30 situps or just do 20-30 situps but id reccomend doing something like 10 leg raises 20 obliques and 10 crunches as one set and do like 3 sets of that or something like that where the situps arnt just 3 sets of 30 crunches, maybe do a set of 30-40 before your routine and another one after it and then another before bed or before you shower or something like that.


      Actually men and women both produce Testosterone and Estrogen and both are essential for health and well being, for men and women.

      Men just have naturally higher levels.

      Do you do all of this in one day or is this split up into different days?


        It really depends what kind of look you are going for, or are you training for competition?

        If you just want to keep toned, then skipping, running, and swimming, coupled with various abs crunches and light weight lifting is more then enough.

        And as this is a boxing site, then hitting a heavy bag, doing drills etc, is a great work out as well, especially for the arms, chest, back, its fun too.
        Last edited by Slick_Rick; 03-23-2011, 05:09 PM.


          I don't see the punches..Maybe it' just me but if you want to be good at something you need do to it A lot..I can easily Hit my max effort on a heavy bag so when I'm punching I'm also doing cardio..I'm not classically in good shape but i do well in boxing cause punching is not that excreting for me. I easily out last and outwork people in really good classic condition. Some look at me and dismiss me at first glance cause I don't look formidable but when they see me spar of go hours on the Bags when they stop at 6 rounds then their attitude changes..When you think of all the leg work in the ring all that movement it can be done for hours on end..It's the Punching the kind of punching that takes your whole body that makes boxing so intense..Muscles are conditioned well for punching by doing lots of punches not push-ups of other Simulations of punches..
          Last edited by Crushedknee; 03-25-2011, 12:14 PM. Reason: Writing correction.


            I would recommend that you start with a 15 to 20 minutes warm up, which should include dynamic stretching of the entire body, and high impact cardio/aerobic type exercises like jumping jacks, high knee kicks, butt kicks, lunges/squats, suicide drills, bur-pees, jump squats etc.

            People just don't seem to comprehend how important it is to warm up and loosen up your muscles before going into any other type of workout, whether its boxing routine, weight/strength training, anaerobics, plyometrics, calisthenics or what ever you have in mind. If you're looking to loose weight; increase your stamina, increase range of motion and better your condition, I guarantee you that with a good warm up, you will see noticeable results a lot faster but you must be consistent and workout on a regular basis, and watch what you eat. As incredible as it may sound our stomachs are suppose to be the size of one of our fists. So why would we eat more than what is needed.

            It's hard to recommend a work out routine to anyone without knowing what your goals are or what areas of your body you are targeting but you should warm up. If your a beginner start with ten minutes and work it up to 20 minutes. If you are already in good shape and your conditioning is better then you can increase it up to 30 minutes, mixing in anaerobic intervals. This will definitely increase your anaerobic threshold for those of you who want to or are competing in this sport.


              This routine for the female workout is effective for the women fitness, because
              this routine cover all the aspects of the exercise and have a perfect match.

