well wtf are u waitign for then homeboy? lets meet up and im not even joking i take the internet seriously, so no more **** talk no more bull****, if u wanna meet up, ill talk **** right to your ugly frog shaped face you french ******
and by the way i do have dyslexia ADD and other learning problems as well as bi-polar, and im man enough to admit i have them, nothign you say can make me feel bad abot that i got teased since i was 5 for those things i gota thick skin and im come to terms with those things, and what ive leanred in my life is that talk is all bull****, you called what tyou think was a bluff, well a few dsays car ride aint nothing boy
I'd really be surprised if this was serious. I personally wouldn't miss this guy if he was banned for continuos spam. No one that can function a computer is this ******.
i got that feeling man, i love boxing man. i mean ive goten my ass whooped nearly every time ive laced em up so far but ive got prospects man, im feelin good about the future. i know it seems crazy that im feelin this good after gettin my ass whooped but man just lookin in the mirror 5 mins ago got a nice black eye, back tooth is loose, got a splitting headache im keepin a t bay with painkillers, nearly collpased on ym run today, im in a state, but *** man this is what fighting is all about, getin yo ass beat one day then next day on the road agen running
im most likely takin it easy for the rest of today maybe alight shadow session. hell if im feeling up to it later ima call my next door neighbour see if he wats to re open that can of whoop ass i put on him the other day haha **** YEA :****you:
i feel ****in fantastic!!! USA!!!!!!! USA!!!!
i dont understand how you peeps get beat this bad in sparring. With 16's on and headgear I took a huge punch from a guy who had about 40 lbs on me and a good head in height, the most i got was a little bit of grogginess afterwards. I'm by no means a beast im only 5'6 127-130