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Going Into My First Sit Down National Arm Wrestling Championship 2 weeks from now or so .

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    Originally posted by juggernaut666 View Post
    I was actually a bit stronger a few months ago I had good momentum going I overtrained really lifted max compacity 3 days in a row and thought 5 days rest would be enough ,after the second match I looked like popeye and couldn’t get blood back in my arm anyway in time it’s a problem if you dint arm wrestle regularly with ppl and I haven’t in a year .

    Im doing half curls here with 125/130 pounds with a 3 and a half inch handle that spins so hard to control and feels like 150 pounds on the 7th lift I even have the weight out of my shoulder and controlling it on the side so it was just dead weight in mid air . I might compete on .August 12 in a normal event idk ? I got ****** up pretty good the other day so ?
    Damn bro you're a beast! Did your arm get cut up from the arm wrestling?
    juggernaut666 juggernaut666 likes this.


      Originally posted by Boxfan83 View Post

      Damn bro you're a beast! Did your arm get cut up from the arm wrestling?
      Nah that’s not from arm wrestling..lol….I’ve actually got bruised ribs on a few occasions and more damage internally, that’s from yesterday while lifting rocks filling up my stream a bit so I can ride over it safely I had a little slip and went down stream a bit on some rocks myself ….elbows a bit sore so I don’t how it’ll effect me this week supposed to be my heavy lifts then take the week off ?

      Arm wrestling is kind of brutal at least the way I do it which is lesser technical approach and more physical you have to really have insane hand and finger strength these days everyone is so much better now like most things because the information is out there with social media etc. There’s less guessing it’s an exact science really compared to yesterdays guys ,there’s so much chess , counter moving , and positions on a table it’s really insane .

      Those are my weak points which held up very good last time I think I’ll be fine once I hit a gym regularly and have access to other things I’m the only idiot that doesn’t train for it specifically and or hasn’t been in a gym in over 5 years, these guys train every week and have coaches etc ….. .
      Boxfan83 Boxfan83 likes this.


        Good luck
        gut intimidation the competition

        were luche libre rasping mask
        and be sweaty stinky


          Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
          Good luck
          gut intimidation the competition

          were luche libre rasping mask
          and be sweaty stinky
          My number one goal as of now is to break the record for one arm lift with acceptable technique………when I was 160 I did 120 pounds with one arm I was also 27 yrs old ………I’m stronger now so I think I’ll break it next year ? That means I got to lift 130 at 170 pounds with decent form ? Idk man I’m just trying to figure this out ….I might just say the hell with it and get angry and run through everyone ? Only competitor not on steroids #facts …and I’m still that guy…lol


            I used to do a lot of weight training and then I separated my shoulder and I got my collar ligaments connected


            it felt like my arm was falling off

            good luck bro
            juggernaut666 juggernaut666 likes this.


              Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
              I used to do a lot of weight training and then I separated my shoulder and I got my collar ligaments connected


              it felt like my arm was falling off

              good luck bro
              When you break …you rebuild and come back stronger . I still have a torn pec muscle the size of three golf balls from grappling championship match I still thought I won ? Anyway rebuild ,come back stronger I’m 49/50 don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something..this forum has many beta males on it ( you know who you are and fear guys like me will steal your girl I know that’s why you are beta males on here . ) don’t be one improve in life make it what it is .
              Last edited by juggernaut666; 08-02-2023, 07:36 PM.
              Zaroku Zaroku likes this.


                Originally posted by juggernaut666 View Post

                When you break …you rebuild and come back stronger . I still have a torn pec muscle the size of three golf balls from grappling championship match I still thought I won ? Anyway rebuild ,come back stronger I’m 49/50 don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something..this forum has many beta males on it ( you know who you are and fear guys like me will steal your girl I know that’s why you are beta males on here . ) don’t be one improve in life make it what it is .
                I got hit by a fat chick on a bike

                purple ribs

                healed up fine

                my dad was a rapid healing auto mechanic

                He’d get hurt working and kept working

