ye i'm 5'4 and around 140 too. i'm going to try and cut down to 135 when my first fight comes around, but eating habits are a little tough to overcome. if your new and haven't had a fight yet like me, then don't focus on cutting weight too much and just focus on touching up your technique.
Floyd is 5"8, but zab and cotto are 5"7. While paul williams is 6ft plus lol.
paul williams is a'm 5'11" basicly mayb half an inch shorter..i fight at 140lb in amatuer..but as a pro would prob fight more 130..or lean up more and add muscle and stay at like 147
bit short for welterweight, depending on your build though, gavin rees is 5''3 and hes a light welter, id say trim down as much as you can without weakening yourself and you'll have your fighting weight.
bit short for welterweight, depending on your build though, gavin rees is 5''3 and hes a light welter, id say trim down as much as you can without weakening yourself and you'll have your fighting weight.
woops! you forgot you were signed in as your alt there!
Also, Gavins a natural Lightweight, he was at Light-Welter cause he was fat.