Originally posted by Graz
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But The #48 fanatics have converted the same failed theory they tried to impose on Floyd and they’re showing it with Nelo to justify what fans think. It fabricated exaggeration.
Where are the hoarde of Mexican fans storming for GGG in any publicity photos? Mexico is a Mecca of boxing with like 28 million people in the capital city where he visited.
People actually believe he is loved by them? Where are these GGg meet and greet with hundreds? It’s practical for GGg to be in a photo at Aztec Stadium when they are there for a football game but K2 and Süleyman exploit and seize the opportunity.
I am a fan for what’s right, and the #48 fanatic thugz cause girly drama. I am the pimp to let u guys know how it is.
Mexicans know boxing, they know what pandering is. Hence no photos of multi mil populus hyping Lil’G. As if Mexicans needed Lil’G for boxing. FFs the joke is going to knock out Lil’G with Karma