Originally posted by aboutfkntime
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Pacquiao has fought at catch weights, Floyd also has.(Regardless of the number of fights)
Pacquiao has sent up red flags for PEDS, Floyd also has.(IV and three claimed failed tests)
Pacquiao has tax Issues, Floyd has tax Issues.
I don't know where you are from but In America we are Innocent until PROVEN guilty. Why do you think Floyd was willing to settle with Pacquiao finacially? Do you think Floyd gave him money just to give It to him?
I have no reason to make anything up. I am a fan, but nothing these guys do In their personal lives affects mine. With your reaction to Floyd's tax Issues and your sudden anger and name calling over Floyd being called out on the very same Issues that Pacquiao Is called out on daily, Is telling. I would argue that you are personally and deeply affected by It, which In and of Itself seems strange.
Pacquiao says he would now be willing to take a blood test 14 days ahead of any fight with his American rival, as long as, my opponent does the same, and it is not a lot of blood, just enough to test.
I do not want anyone having an unfair advantage where someone may get hurt. I am willing to do my part to help this sport out.
Manny Pacquiao also stated, he is willing to take blood immediately after the fight in his locker room.
He said he is willing to be tested even on the night of the fight. "No problem," he said. "Even the night of the fight. No problem."
"He [Mayweather] will no longer have a reason [not to fight]," added Pacquiao. "Let's see if that is really the reason."
As long as he was willing to be tested after the fight, what Is the Issue?
As long as posters like yourself see It fit to bash one guy for certain offenses I am going to make sure that the other guy Is also held accountable for the very same offenses.
In reality It would be a much better forum If we could all recognize what both Floyd and Manny have accomplished and show them both the proper respect they deserve. But this forum Is not reality, I have been here since 2006, It Is only getting worse.
As far as resumes are concerned, that Is simply an opinion.
My opinion Is that Pacquiao's wins over Barrera and Morales *****s anything on Floyd's resume. Why do you get offended by that comment? I would be willing to bet that the majority on this board or any board for that matter would agree with that statement.
Your opinion Is that Marquez and Canelo are equivalent to Barrera and Morales and than said that Floyd took away from his own accomplishment by fighting Canelo at a catch weight.