This guy worked in the Canelo Cotto fight shooting Canelo. He saw the transformation after the weigh in. He also states that Canelo being 187 against Khan was bullshit, of course.
Source: go to the video and read the first comment. The guy that uploaded the video is the guy that actually wrote that comment.
For the people reading Canelo coming in at 187 on fight night against Khan. There are numerous sources that states he came in at various weights on fight night , from 172 all the way from what Khan was quoted saying "187 pounds". My personal experience when I was working Canelo Cotto , he was rumored to be around 180 against Cotto. From what I saw thats highly believable him at the weigh in and him on fight day in the dressing room when I was shooting him , he was huge . On a Friday him and I being almost equal in size the next day his whole body doubled in size, craziest transformation I ever seen. It like reminded me in DBZ when Vegeta 1st witnessed Zarbon's transformation.