Well it's only trace levels, 15 times lower than the legal limit. So it is possible that levels that low just might not have shown up on earlier tests.
There are really only two explanations. What they detected was trace levels of doses taken while the drug was still legal. Or that Povetkin micro-dosed this stuff. Don't know if there's any benefit to the latter, or if it's even possible. It's not that powerful a drug.
He's saying it's possible for the drug not to show up in some tests. If it were one test I might buy that excuse. Not showing up in three tests is hard to believe. So there can only be one of two scenarios:
That's the thing. He didn't test dirty. He came up with trace levels 15 times below the limit set by WADA itself. So he's not even dirty really. And since he's well within WADA's own guidelines, the WBC might have to legal basis to deny him his mandatory.
The "trace" amounts is a distraction. He wasn't popped dirty based on the amount found. He was popped dirty because he was clean the 3 previous tests and trace amounts the fourth test. According to the three previous tests there shouldn't have been "trace amounts" in his system the fourth test. The amount found is a distraction being pushed by Ryabinski. The three previous tests set his levels at 0. So any found after that is a dirty.
I don't get it... did Povetkin fail the test or not?
If he's in the legal limit, how could he fail the test?
The legal limit doesn't matter because the three previous tests showed he had none in his system. Once the first three tests showed there was none in his system the fourth should've shown the same. Having any amount in his system after the first three tests were clean would a failed test. Ryabinski is focusing on the .07 but can't explain how it went from 0.00 the first three test to 0.07 the fourth test. His reasoning is sometimes it won't show up. So it didn't show up three times but showed up the fourth?
The "trace" amounts is a distraction. He wasn't popped dirty based on the amount found. He was popped dirty because he was clean the 3 previous tests and trace amounts the fourth test. According to the three previous tests there shouldn't have been "trace amounts" in his system the fourth test. The amount found is a distraction being pushed by Ryabinski. The three previous tests set his levels at 0. So any found after that is a dirty.
How is it a distraction? It's fundamental to the whole thing. He's way within the legal limit - WADA's own limit. So he isn't dirty by WADA's own rules.
Like I said, there's only two plausible explanations (1) the tests could easily have missed such minuscule amounts due to natural difference in testing conditions (eg. hydration levels), or (2) Povetkin was micro-dosing.
Regardless of which one of those is true, WADA don't look to have a basis to propose a penalty for him. Which in turn means that the WBC might not have any basis to strip his mandatory status.
Instead of focusing on the trace amounts, people should focus on how it went from zero three time to trace amounts the fourth time. If he can somehow prove there were trace amounts the first three times then he can prove his case. Those samples aren't destroyed after they're tested. Previously tested samples from the 2012 Olympics were just retested.
That's the thing. He didn't test dirty. He came up with trace levels 15 times below the limit set by WADA itself. So he's not even dirty really. And since he's well within WADA's own guidelines, the WBC might have to legal basis to deny him his mandatory.
I know the WADA revised guidelines. If that technicality with the revised guidelines helps him here fair enough. I just don't think it should.
The problem to me is he was clean & then he was dirty. If this is supposed to stay in your system for a long time why wasn't it there a few weeks previously? Its not THAT trace of an amount that it wouldn't show up from what I've heard from others more knowing about PED testing **** then I. And I've yet to hear of a similar case where a athlete was clean & then dirty of this substance & there are no shortage of cases involving this substance.
So if thats the case my inclination would be that he would be under the revised guidelines. He'd be under the normal guidelines which suggest no amount of this substance be in your system. My assumption has been that he was microdosing &/or masking for this or potential other substances. This was gonna be a huge fight for him, in his country, at an advanced age. There was a TON of pressure of pressure on Povetkin to win. I think he took some extra measures to insure he put forth his best effort.
How is it a distraction? It's fundamental to the whole thing. He's way within the legal limit - WADA's own limit. So he isn't dirty by WADA's own rules.
Like I said, there's only two plausible explanations (1) the tests could easily have missed such minuscule amounts due to natural difference in testing conditions (eg. hydration levels), or (2) Povetkin was micro-dosing.
Regardless of which one of those is true, WADA don't look to have a basis to propose a penalty for him. Which in turn means that the WBC might not have any basis to strip his mandatory status.
WADA doesn't set the penalties. They set the standards. I find it a stretch to believe three tests couldn't find it but the fourth tests did. What type of mom and pops organization is VADA running? If that's the case we have to go back and question every single test VADA has conducted. The positives and the negatives. Even Wilder's tests have to be investigated.
Ryabinsky goin in, lol. Not to say that he's correct, but he is going ham to clear Povetski's name (sure, the real motivation is him being on the line for millions to pay Wilder for no fight, but still).