Originally posted by larryxxx...
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I think what OP was saying is that if they made this fight last year, the fight would happen and the banned substance would be perfectly legit last year. There would have been no issues whatsoever.
Obviously it's not anymore since January of this year and that's the obvious problem here and now. Team Povetkin screwed up, it's all on him, he should be punished, etc. But it's still interesting to think about that a regularly used substance for 45 years which was accepted by drug agencies as being OK to take is now not OK to take and therefor a difference of 1-year changes massively in the perception of Povetkin! Crazy isn't it? This fight happens in December 2015 - Povetkin - clean fighter. May of 2016 - he's a cheater. That's a dramatic difference!
Makes you wonder what other stuff will be banned in the future that is legal right now. Most all fighters take supplements and various things during training and more often than not, it's because they are trying to stay fit, trying to be strong and healthy, give them a mental and/or physical boost during training, not because they want to cheat but because they want to work hard. Well, your regular diet today could have banned substances in it a couple years down the road.