After looking at that big ass cut Povetkin got it now makes sense why he opted to postpone rather than guarantee to be ready by January.
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Comments Thread For: Wilder's Trainer: Povetkin Postponed Mandatory, Not Us
This is all getting rather tiresome.
At this point I couldn't care less who's 'to blame' for this fight being put off yet again, though considering their respective level of opposition I think it's clear who's taking the easier route in the interim. Anyway, so long as the fight takes place sometime next year it's all good. And if Wilder finds himself underprepared by choosing yet another nondescript voluntary in the meantime then so be it.
Originally posted by Fury4daWIN View PostThis is all getting rather tiresome.
At this point I couldn't care less who's 'to blame' for this fight being put off yet again, though considering their respective level of opposition I think it's clear who's taking the easier route in the interim. Anyway, so long as the fight takes place sometime next year it's all good. And if Wilder finds himself underprepared by choosing yet another nondescript voluntary in the meantime then so be it.
Originally posted by about.thousands View PostWach was ranked one spot ahead of Wilder's last opponent. So Wilder is taking the easier fight because he's fighting the #40 guy while Povetkin is fighting the #39 guy?
Originally posted by wlliam View Postcmon guy!! this entire ordeal was well documented...he aint foolin anybody. Wilder wanted another optional or voluntary, in other words NOT POVETKIN. Povetkin, not wanting to sit idle chose for an interim while Wilder wanted ANOTHER optional or other words NOT POVETKIN! And now they want ANOTHER ANOTHER "optional" or "voluntary"(doesnt matter what term honestly), in other words NOT POVETKIN...A-FKN-GAIN! And if i remember correctly Povetkin is availavle right now...but, per wilders trainers words, they want "the NEXT highest ranked, available" contender...outside of Povetkin. So bcuzWilder wants to milk this mando for as long as he can(before ultimately vacating to avoid said Mando), Povetkin not wanting to sit idle will surely opt for another...ANOTHER interim bout. In a nutshell, It comes down to Povetkin wanting to stay active while Wilder avoids that mando.
This dude(Wilders trainer) is diverting HARD
Guess what else was well documented? That Wilder broke his money (right) hand in the Stirvirne fight in took two mandatories (before the scheduled negotiation date, unlike you know who) in order to ease back his hand.
Guess what else was documented? Yes, that Wilder's hand was 53 percent in the Molina fight (he didnt even throw it for the first 3 to 5 rounds) and 95 percent against Dauhapas.
Got one more for you, it was also well documented that Povetkin wanted to fight Wilder immediately in July and then in September, and that he said he didn't need any tune ups, he said this knowing very well (as it was well documented), that Wilder's main weapon (right hand) was not ready, and when the champ didn't fall for his trap, he immediately went into stalling mode but causing negotiations to be postponed. Which other challenger do you know that would choose to defend a silver belt as opposed to fighting for the world title?
The devil is in the details son, Wilders team started seeking strong opposition as soon as his hand was proven to have made a full recovery by fighting a guy who had never been so much as knocked down before and testing that hand out by throwing it fast, frequently, and hard throughout the bout. Povetkin team on the other hand went into stalling mode when the reality set in that they would be fighting a fully fit champ.
The devil is in the details.
Originally posted by SUBZER0ED View PostYeah, alright sport. I'll just sit back and wait patiently for Wilder to get into a real fight with a live dog and see how he does. If he wins impressively, I'll give him props. But if he gets that ass kicked (as I suspect he will), You'll probably never utter another delusional word about him again.
Bet you said it again before he fought Stirvirne.
Bet you'll say it again after he schools Povetkin.
This is nothing new, we've heard this many times before.
Originally posted by Elroy1 View PostLOL at this thread and desperation of Wilder.
All that money in PR spent to try and throw off criticism and THIS is all they came up with?
Wilder should be immediately stripped of the title and it should be handed straight to Povetkin free of charge, Wilder should receive a 2 year ban from boxing.
Failing the above measures the WBC should be sacked as a major body and world title.
#Bum Squad
According to an article I read from September the WBC had no problem with Povetkin fighting Wach and as long as he beat him without question he would be Wilder's next opponent.
My question is did they ever negotiate the fight in October as they were supposed to do? Because as I already stated the WBC had no issues with the Wach fight. I have also heard noting about them negotiating and if they had why had it not gone to a purse bid? Now this is where it gets a little fuzzy.
I know damn well that I had heard, well before yesterday, that Wilder was going to fight yet another voluntary before his mandatory. Yet, Povetkin asked for more time, but when did he ask and why? The answer is that he asked just yesterday. He asked because he sustained a pretty nasty cut in the Wach fight.
So in my opinion there is definitely some shady 5hit going on. Because at the very least if Povetkin wasn't ready in January for what ever reason, the WBC should tell him that he had his chance and move on. Wilder should then be fighting the next available heavyweight within the WBC's top five top as his mandatory.
There are some decent fighters in there such as Glazkov or Jennings. Why not fight them? At the very least they are way better then the still unnamed stiff that Wilder will end up fighting come January.
And once again will we have to listen to Wilder explain to us why a fighter ranked somewhere between 40th and 60th in the world is actually really a sleeper and a dangerous fighter that no one pays attention to? I honestly don't understand how Wilder's own fans put up with the nonsense?