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Comments Thread For: USADA Fires Back at Hauser Over Multiple Allegations

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    Originally posted by Isaac Clarke View Post
    Show me the NSAC rule where it says there's a iv ban or a limit. There isn't.
    You cant inject yourself with anything without NSAC approval


    NAC 467.850; Administration or use of alcohol, stimulants, drugs or injections; urinalysis or chemical tests; disciplinary action. (NRS 467.030)
    1.The administration of or use of any:
    (b)Stimulant; or
    (c)Drug or injection that has not been approved by the Commission"
    And NSAC directs athletes to WADA for more complete rules so that means they simply follow WADA.


      Originally posted by boxinghead530 View Post
      I knew this was coming from USADA. They had to reply to the allegations they are up against. I think USADA is the major problem not Floyd. They allowed Floyd to call shot. They are the ones that fumbled. If they were in it to win it as far as cleaning up the sport. They would have been year round random testing on Floyd and not just coddle to what Floyd wants. His testing regimen only started when the fight was announced. All I know is when there is smoke there is fire.

      I know when the allegations first came out against Lance the American public didn't believe it and thought it was a witch hunt. But once more evidence came out and the cover up was revealed then there was on hiding.

      USADA is just trying to cover their ass and save face. Its known that they are in Floyd pocket and Floyd calls the shots to his liking when it comes to testing.

      Lets give the boy an Asterisk already. This scandal is just heating up. Its not going anywhere.
      "USADA is covering their ass cause the NSAC is all over it!!!" Oh wait that was last week. this week is USADA and NSAC are in Floyd pocket. HAHAHA!!

      If Floyd is dirty itll come out. Bigger athletes have got caught so you just keep holding out hope. USADA, NSAC, and other reporters are laughing at Hauser report but go ahead and believe. Asterick there if you want.


        Originally posted by doom_specialist View Post
        From NAC Chapter 467 - Unarmed Combat

        NAC 467.850

        Find me anything within that set of rules that says that injecting saline is illegal, and while you're at it, find me any rule that restricts the amount of fluid you're allowed to be administered in any given time. I know you can't, but if you still wish to try...

        The 50 mL restriction is a USADA rule, not NSAC. USADA's TUE policy clearly states that retroactive TUEs may be granted if there are clinical time constraints, and USADA's own DCO found that Mayweather needed an IV less than 24 hours from fight time. Literally nothing to see here.

        50 ml is a WADA restrictions that USADa follows

        Literally nothing to see here yeah ok he needed 750 ml to rehydrated from losing 3 lbs .


          Originally posted by imperial1 View Post
          50 ml is a WADA restrictions that USADa follows

          Literally nothing to see here yeah ok he needed 750 ml to rehydrated from losing 3 lbs .
          USADA follows not NSAC


            Originally posted by imperial1 View Post
            This part ?

            Prohibited List.
            Infusions or injections of more than 50 mL per a 6-hour period are prohibited unless the infused/injected substance is administered during a hospital admission, surgical procedure or clinical investigation. Please consult the tables/

            It also
            So says that a TUE must be requested for prohibited substances ..You sure you want to keep arguing this point ?
            no this part

            If a non-prohibited substance is infused or injected without a concurrent hospital
            admission, surgical procedure or clinical investigation; a TUE must be submittedfor this Prohibited Method if more than 50 mL of fluid per a 6-hour period is
            infused or injected

            key word, submitted. if he submitted a request for a TUE of more than 50ml while being at his home, this rule comes into effect


              Originally posted by Isaac Clarke View Post
              USADA follows not NSAC
              he left this part out

              If a non-prohibited substance is infused or injected without a concurrent hospital
              admission, surgical procedure or clinical investigation; a TUE must be submitted
              for this Prohibited Method if more than 50 mL of fluid per a 6-hour period is
              infused or injected

              its on the same page


                Originally posted by ryedes View Post
                Wada also reacts on the safety of the athlete first when regarding the TUE. But it clearly states you can go over the amount of 50ml without being in an emergency location as long as you've submitted a request for one. They tested him before and after and notified both parties, and approved his paperwork later on.
                Show me where it says that?

                The WADA rules for granting a TUE explicitly forbid a TUE to be granted for IV treatment of moderate dehydration.

                The use of IV infusions in sport is commonly linked with rehydration after exhaustive effort, and this situation is arguably the major cause of debate. It must be understood that the use of IV fluid replacement following exercise to correct mild to moderate dehydration is not clinically indicated nor substantiated by the medical literature. There is a well-established body o scientific evidence to confirm that oral rehydration is the preferred the****utic choice, potentially even more effective than IV infusion.
                (Ref: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

                You have no ****ing argument.


                  Originally posted by Isaac Clarke View Post
                  USADA follows not NSAC
                  Did you not read that USADA follows WADA 's protocols and if they do there is no logical explanation as to why he was 1 granted a TUE when they didn't have the authority to grant it and 2 why he needed 750 ml of fluid ..If you can't see the smoking gun here than lets just agree to disagree


                    hahahahahahahah more damage control from usada. why don't they explain why tue was granted?????? floyd wasn't dehydrated or killing himself at all. 150.5 lbs 3 weeks before fight seems like he is having a very easy time cutting weight. so why then??? why did they allow floyd to do iv therapy??? and usada didn't do cir testing for floyd's samples with the low t/e ratios. give me a break. MORE DAMAGE CONTROL!!!!! people wake up pls.


                      Originally posted by GTTofAK View Post
                      You cant inject yourself with anything without NSAC approval

                      And NSAC directs athletes to WADA for more complete rules so that means they simply follow WADA.
                      Wrong. Post the entire rule, not just the part that suits your agenda.

                      1.***8194;***8194;The administration of or use of any:
                      (b)***8194;Stimulant; or
                      (c)***8194;Drug or injection that has not been approved by the Commission, including, but not limited to, the drugs or injections listed in subsection 2,
                      Ê in any part of the body, either before or during a contest or exhibition, to or by any unarmed combatant, is prohibited.
                      2.***8194;***8194;The following types of drugs, injections or stimulants are prohibited pursuant to subsection 1:
                      (a)***8194;Afrinol or any other product that is pharmaceutically similar to Afrinol.
                      (b)***8194;Co-Tylenol or any other product that is pharmaceutically similar to Co-Tylenol.
                      (c)***8194;A product containing an antihistamine and a decongestant.
                      (d)***8194;A decongestant other than a decongestant listed in subsection 4.
                      (e)***8194;Any over-the-counter drug for colds, coughs or sinuses other than those drugs listed in subsection 4. This paragraph includes, but is not limited to, Ephedrine, Phenylpropanolamine, and Mahuang and derivatives of Mahuang.
                      (f)***8194;Any drug identified on the most current edition of the Prohibited List published by the World Anti-Doping Agency, which is hereby adopted by reference. The most current edition of the Prohibited List may be obtained, free of charge, at the Internet address .

                      Find me the part of that where it says salt water and vitamins are prohibited, and/or needs NSAC approval.

