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Comments Thread For: USADA Fires Back at Hauser Over Multiple Allegations

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    Originally posted by JQside View Post
    You don't think this is idiotic in this kind of business where the other fighter has no way of contesting the results? Don't even know why they have this confidentiality agreement in an environment where cheaters are supposed to be exposed, and not protected. This is like providing safe havens to criminals.
    if someone was caught cheating im sure that agreement goes out the window...its went out the window with just accusations...think bro..u know wat mayweather took right? where is the confidentiality in that??

    there was only an agreement that if someone got popped the fight could go on if the other camp wanted it to


      Yep. Said at the beginning nothing is there. As soon as all parties come out andconfirm it NSB will change agenda. Here it is.

      Now NSAC isnt trustworthy when at first they were the beacon.

      If Floyd is dirty itll come out. In the meantime hes retired so im looking at the next era of fighters already.

      And for some, Pac lost so get over it.


        In early March, USADA presented the Pacquiao camp with a
        that allowed the testing agency to grant a retroactive the****utic
        use exemption (TUE) to either fighter in the event that the fighter
        tested positive for a prohibited drug. That retroactive exemption
        could have been granted without notifying the
        Nevada State Athletic
        Commission or the opposing fighter’s camp.
        (¶ 71)
        This is misleading.
        TUEs are permitted under the WADA
        they were
        permitted under the terms of the
        Testing Agreement. It is important to recognize, howev
        er, that the
        Testing Agreement that was initially presented to the Pacquiao camp
        contained no specific reference to retroactive TUEs
        , but rather to the
        ISTUE which contains the specific retroactive TUE language
        I would have expected a "That is utterly false" for this one, surprising.


          Floyd has never spoken badly about NSAC or any las vegas powerhouse, he knows how to play the game. He gives money and kisses their ass and they give you a pass. He pays USADA hundreds of thousands. VADA cost like 5 grand or less to do the same testing USADA does, but USADA cost what 150 grand to do testing?

          Nick Diaz 5 years for weed, he speaks his mind against the commissions and government and is taught a lesson not to go against th4e establishment.

          Arum crapped on MGM grand and well Pacquiao paid the price.


            Originally posted by Deevel916 View Post
            Who wants to bet USADA doesnt take the steps to sue Hauser. You would think if Hauser was spreading nothing but lies and inaccuracies, they would surely sue him for defamation as it causes serious damage to the integrity of USADA. Problem is, if they were to sue it would require them to release all the testing records and I highly doubt they want to do that. We saw how fast Floyd settled when TR lawyers subpeonad Floyd's team to disclose all his testing records.
            It actually states usada produced over 2,000 documents to Pacquiaos side and lawyers in their lawsuit in regards to mayweather. And that was before the settlement was reached. Seriously, read the response it's very interesting.


              It has been absolutely hilarious watching you fckin lames rally behind Hauser lol

              dumb fcks didn't even know who the fck this guy was the day before but was quick to jump on his dck and anoint him as a viable legitimate source no question!

              No question! No skepticism no doubt!

              It's so obvious you fckin lame.


                Originally posted by SplitSecond View Post
                (¶ 71)

                I would have expected a "That is utterly false" for this one, surprising.
                Yup. Hauser only listed one rule to the TUE and left out the other two rules on the grounds of the TUE.


                  So a paramedic administered the IV?

                  Why has this never been mentioned by Ellerbe or Mayweather before when quizzed about it. There will surely be a record this and if he was so dehydrated to need 750ml, he would have been taken to hospital and observed for a few hours. All this safety stuff from Floyd he puts out, if he was so bad he would not have fought.

                  The fact Manny got so much grief over not informing the commission about his injury, the exact same can be said about Floyd if we are to believe he was that dehydrated a day before the fight. The whole thing stinks


                    Horrible Crisis Management

                    The USADA took far too long to put this out, and if you look past the bluster, the same issues still apply. I'm not sure if they think fans are dumb (which is their hope), or if they think it's too hard to put time enough to understand.


                      Originally posted by texasboi15 View Post
                      It has been absolutely hilarious watching you fckin lames rally behind Hauser lol

                      dumb fcks didn't even know who the fck this guy was the day before but was quick to jump on his dck and anoint him as a viable legitimate source no question!

                      No question! No skepticism no doubt!

                      It's so obvious you fckin lame.
                      You are making quite an assumption. Hauser is a noted boxing journalist, just because you don't like or believe the story doesn't mean no one knew him.

                      That's just silly.

                      But somehow fans like you always believe you're so much smarter and more enlightened than everyone else.

                      The inability to see ones own flaws is indicative of poor critical thinking skills.

