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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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    Yup Froid is the exemption as I've said.

    Severe dehydration are for those who had to cut 30lbs of pounds of weight before a weigh in. Froid only needed to cut a few lbs off. - red flag

    What does Floyd Mayweather, Lance Armstong, Mark McGuire, Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds have in common?

    banned iv 47-1

    Last edited by Spoon23; 03-18-2016, 10:29 PM.


      Originally posted by Dosumpthin View Post
      Wow you destroyed him with that post.

      He has nothing left but speculation and conspiracies. He went from "undetectable micro dosing" to now " Floyd was using multiple ivs to mask". Even his own conspiracy theories has to contradict one another.

      That's what happens when you base your opinions around rumors and lies.

      Absolutely destroyed.
      It's just a waste of time because he is just going to keep on bringing up fantasies of what could have happened in his mind. He must be aware that he has nothing, but he's not going to give up.


        More specifically, the 2015 WADA Prohibited Substances and Methods List states, Intravenous infusions and/or injections of more than 50 ml per 6 hour period are prohibited except for those legitimately received in the course of hospital admissions, surgical procedures, or clinical investigations.

        This prohibition is in effect at all times that the athlete is subject to testing. It exists because, in addition to being administered for the purpose of adding specific substances to a persons body, an IV infusion can dilute or mask the presence of another substance that is already in the recipients system or might be added to it in the near future.




          "NAC 467.850 Administration or use of alcohol, stimulants, drugs or injections; urinalysis or chemical tests; disciplinary action. (NRS 467.030)

          f) With the exception of stimulants listed in section S-5 and S-6 of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List, which are to be prohibited at all times, any prohibited substance or method drug identified on the most current edition of the Prohibited List published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (“WADA”), which is hereby adopted by reference. The most current edition of the Prohibited List may be obtained, free of charge, at the Internet address . WADA’s definitions, prohibited lists, prohibited methodologies and tolerance levels will be used in interpreting violations of NAC 467.850 et.seq.

          e. Avoiding testing/detection/ urine sample adulterated, not from athlete or not of human origin, adulterants, drugs (including
          diuretics) used as masking agents:

          So it clearly states here that NSAC, follows the guidelines of WADA rules prohibited lists. Masking agents such as Saline is prohibited.

          Since NSAC violated their own rule by allowing Saline by giving off TUE to floyd even if they were only notified 3 weeks after the match, when it should have been 7 days before a match. - red flag

          It also shows here that an athlete violating this has to be punished. Seems to me Floyd's punishment for using illegal saline though iv infusion is to give him a TUE or a cloak of invincibility from a violation he has committed under the Wada banned substance rule that NSAC follows. Shady indeed.

          - RED FLAG



            If anyone is to take you seriously you need to disassociate yourself from spoon/Rath.

            Publicly. A disclaimer will do. You see the bull**** they are posting.

            This is a non negotiable requirement.


              Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post

              "NAC 467.850 Administration or use of alcohol, stimulants, drugs or injections; urinalysis or chemical tests; disciplinary action. (NRS 467.030)

              f) With the exception of stimulants listed in section S-5 and S-6 of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List, which are to be prohibited at all times, any prohibited substance or method drug identified on the most current edition of the Prohibited List published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (“WADA”), which is hereby adopted by reference. The most current edition of the Prohibited List may be obtained, free of charge, at the Internet address . WADA’s definitions, prohibited lists, prohibited methodologies and tolerance levels will be used in interpreting violations of NAC 467.850 et.seq.

              e. Avoiding testing/detection/ urine sample adulterated, not from athlete or not of human origin, adulterants, drugs (including
              diuretics) used as masking agents:

              So it clearly states here that NSAC, follows the guidelines of WADA rules prohibited lists. Masking agents such as Saline is prohibited.

              Since NSAC violated their own rule by allowing Saline by giving off TUE to floyd even if they were only notified 3 weeks after the match, when it should have been 7 days before a match. - red flag

              It also shows here that an athlete violating this has to be punished. Seems to me Floyd's punishment for using illegal saline though iv infusion is to give him a TUE or a cloak of invincibility from a violation he has committed under the Wada banned substance rule that NSAC follows. Shady indeed.

              - RED FLAG

              This guy has gone full pact@rd.

              Poor bastard


                Originally posted by Dosumpthin View Post
                This guy has gone full pact@rd.

                Poor bastard
                You guys drove him past the edge. He would die without this thread. This topic allows him the dilussions that reality can't.

                He is a broken record. You can't fix what you didn't break. Floyd broke his mind, Marquez foot stomped PAC to sleep.

                He might take himself out once PAC retires.


                  Floyd is in an IV gate scandal. Up to this day, no credentials of the USADA officers if they are capable of diagnosing severe dehydration? are they even nurses? where is the medical certificate explaining cause of dehydration and ov use?

                  flowmo logic: No need for a physician or a medical expert! we believe froid!'

                  Floyd is clean! He needed those IVS for dehydration. He has to be! No need for medical expert to rule this out! We believe him irregardless



                    Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                    Ok, I've reviewed your study from...when was it, 2005? It was 500ml of saline which caused at most, using the centrifuge method of measuring hematocrit, a change from 45.8% to 43.4%. The study itself mentions that this is a very small change, especially when you take into account that normal hematocrit level is about 45%. You should also notice the +/- error next to each value.

                    More importantly, you do realize that people found guilty of blood doping have hematocrit levels of over 50%, right?

                    First of all, I would want to see what would happen with a more significant change.

                    Second, and yes more importantly no matter how you try to twist it, THERE IS OBVIOUSLY A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 8 HOURS AND 24 HOURS. I'll gladly give you 8 hours. Where do you go from here? You know damn well the masking effect won't last from, let's say 8:15pm May 1st until well after 8pm May 2nd.

                    If you checked the study, everyone's level dropped and for ALL it remained stable for 8 hours.

                    If you checked out the measurements, you would notice that for some, it was as high as 3.9% with just 500ml. So to say, it's not a one size fits all. I brought this up to you back then as well. Remember delayed and Floyd drank quite a bit and had 750ml.

                    50% levels: If you remember, I brought this up already. Someone's levels does not have to be at the extreme end of the spectrum to be considered beneficial for the athlete.

                    If you remember, I used as an example back where if an athlete's normal level was 40 and they boost it up to 52% then that is a significant increase but just a bit over.

                    I didn't twist anything. You said 2 hours, I said much more than that plus gave you 2 scenarios on what could have happened for May 2nd testing.

                    Yea. Let's talk about your scenarios! lol
                    1) Floyd was concerned with the unexpected May 1st test not the expected May 2nd after the fight test. Perhaps they were not sure that they can pass the May 1st test but they could have ~30-36 hours later.

                    Again, no mention of the partial urine sample from before the IV. Why don't you ever bring that up? Oh, that's right, it was only a few drops because that's the only scenario that fits your agenda. Any more requirements for your agenda? Oh yea, the other 18 drug tests never caught him off guard. So let's put this all together. He delays announcing fights until he can cycle off the PED's (perhaps he forgot that technique). He was tested 16 times before the IV and never caught off guard though he was doping throughout the entire training camp. On the 17th test he was caught off guard and wanted to mask, but unfortunately he had to give a partial urine sample. He passed that test miraculously, and then he was lucky enough to pass the final 2 tests though the masking effect wore off because he timed it just right. Not only that, but he also paid off USADA...for absolutely no gain.

                    I'm sure even you can smell bull**** now. Let's move on to #2.

                    2) They have May 1st as proof that DCO was there to witness an IV. So they can now do another IV hidden and even if tests show concentrations of IV by-products, well, they can say its from May 1st IV.

                    hahahahaha. So um, when did he have time to take this IV? Was it in the back of the MGM Grand? Did he do it at his home in front of the DCO? Was this DCO the crooked one?

                    News Flash: You could say an alien came down from the sky and gave him magical powers for all I care. Your "scenarios" are just that. Scenarios. They don't amount to anything. You are clinging to this as if it's some kind of proof. You have no proof and your "scenarios" admit that. Thanks for your creativity, but fantasies don't offer proof.
                    1) Look Trav. How can you call what I stated "can smell BS" when what happened with this IV scandal points to Floyd NOT requiring an IV? So Floyd getting this IV, should be smelling quite a bit of BS but you are not going there. How come? Is it not a stretch for Floyd to require an IV with his weight being relatively stable?

                    As for my scenarios, they are NOT my scenarios.
                    This is what freaking happens all the time!!! Not just Lance Armstrong but others have stories that are very similar to what I stated!!! Remember that Lance passed his tests every time but still smuggled IVs. Yet you call this BS?

                    The only thing that does not happen all the time is getting a retroactive TUE for something like Floyd's case.
                    Why would Lance and others need to smuggle? They could have just said "Give me an IV. I will send you a retro application in 3 weeks. Doctor's note? Sure I can get that EASILY, wink wink."
                    A cyclist can easily go down a few pounds on a ride and say that they need an IV. So just to say, Floyd's case is all a big joke.

                    2) Maybe you are missing what I said. On May 2nd, Floyd could have got his own private Dr Ariza to do it from his home hours before the fight.

                    NEWs FLASH: You brought up the "not possible" questions. We told you that its possible and how it can be. Then you deflected.

                    Oh, you mean when he gave a partial urine sample and blood. But wait....NO IV? Can this be?
                    "Mayweather gives his urine sample, but he’s dehydrated and needs to fill it up completely. He also has to wait 2 hours for a cool down period before his blood can be taken."

                    Oops. So much for that 6 hour thing. Partial urine sample, no IV, blood given as well. Hmm.
                    Nice. It shows that FLoyd has done this trick before. Delay.

                    So he had this one prepared. It was all planned. May 1st was the more improved version.

                    Even without the training (May 1st), Floyd still had them wait for 6+ hours.
                    "The entire process for Mayweather to fill up his urine sample takes 5 hours because of how dehydrated his body is from training."

                    How did he pass the other 18 tests without masking?
                    So did Lance Armstrong. Like Floyd, Lance to used banned methods just before giving urine. Why? To mask them PEDs!

                    Last I checked, it isn't banned with a TUE. You might want to check into that.
                    Last I checked, they do not give retroactive TUEs just for dehydration of a few pounds, if that. Floyd may have already been good after he drank so much after the weigh in!

                    He came in on fight night at 149 and Floyd, not me, said he ate a lot and was physically extremely strong!

                    This is laughable. With USADA following him after the fight he has another IV. You should be ashamed of yourself for even mentioning this. It reeks of desperation.
                    Not possible? and you know that there are scenarios that I covered that are possible. Right?

                    As for your comment on DCO, its not applicable in my scenarios. Even then, I just want to point out this:
                    Ask Lance Armstrong and others who did it right under the nose of the DCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    It's saline and it didn't mask tests given on May 2nd. You know it and I know it. Plus, again no mention of the partial urine sample.
                    Not possible?and you know that there are scenarios that I covered that are possible. Right? [B][COLOR="red"]

                    Lance had a retroactive prescription for cortisone cream. Mayweather had a retroactive TUE for saline and gave a partial urine sample before the IV as well as took 2 tests the day after the IV. Nice try, though.
                    If you were a Lance Armstrong fan, you would have smelled no BS just like you are not able to smell BS for Floyd. That is your problem.

                    When was the initial sample given? just before the IV? That's a delay of how many hours later? was it just a drop? It was combined with what was collected after! Plus, Floyd can use as an excuse that being dehydrated increased his HT levels. Its the perfect plan.

                    When athletes micro dose its for a reason and they try to guestimate when will be the next possible time that they can get tested. Some micro dose taking into account that the DCO will not be showing up between certain hours of the day. Example 11pm to 6am.
                    Some thinking that the last test will be after the fight may plan it differently.

                    The point is that its possible and yes its possible to incorrectly estimate. THAT IS WHY THEY MASK!!!! Not hard to understand!

                    Is there a scandal? I think we might be the only people talking about this. But here's one for you:

                    Manny Pacquaio was the only one to stop the fight from originally happening because of a refusal to submit to drug testing. Would you rather have 19 passed tests or no test at all. Hmmmm.

                    Its a huge scandal. Even your sources (the article your had) stated that Floyd getting the IV for hydration purposes does not add up.

                    Its all in the scales. Floyd weighed 148 the week before. Floyd weighed 146 + drank about 2lb of water. Floyd was back to 148 BEFORE the IV!!! Floyd felt physically extremely strong at 149 on fight night.

                    SO WHY THE IV FLOYD? WHY? You were already at or around 149 before you even got the IV. All you had to do is drink and as you said, you ate a lot!

                    Also, the NSAC found it very troubling and called it unacceptable. Nobody thinks what happened was right. Not unless you are a Floyd fan.


                      Originally posted by Dosumpthin View Post
                      Wow you destroyed him with that post.

                      He has nothing left but speculation and conspiracies. He went from "undetectable micro dosing" to now " Floyd was using multiple ivs to mask". Even his own conspiracy theories has to contradict one another.

                      That's what happens when you base your opinions around rumors and lies.

                      Absolutely destroyed.
                      I responded.

                      You just have to look at Lance and company and know that it was all possible.

                      I presented several scenarios. His come back and yours is "how? It's not possible?" You just have to look at Lance and company and know that it was all possible.

