Todorov fave Floyd a boxing clinic without the hugging and the running.
Floyd got over it while bird watching with Beiber in Bora Bora
stop crying now
There should be a coalition to not respond to you anymore. I don't mind some others...if your counterparts agree that Torodov schooled Floyd or Roy Jones Jr. got schooled by Park then I'll reply back to anything you say on this board.
There should be a coalition to not respond to you anymore. I don't mind some others...if your counterparts agree that Torodov schooled Floyd or Roy Jones Jr. got schooled by Park then I'll reply back to anything you say on this board.
Until then. Enjoy these last words to you!
Floyd and Roy lost FACT
Park and Todorov gave both of them some good as.s whooping FACT
Can you believe this kid! You've been promoted to Super Troll Champ.
What's The Name Of The RN AWARD
He makes me laugh. I think he wants to be Beiber.
He is obsessed with Floyd.
Go easy on him, he rode the lil yellow bus to school with a helmet on his goblin head.