Originally posted by ADP02
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A guy that's not used to throwing a lot of combinations in general like Zab is obviously gonna be extra weary when fighting another sharpshooter. So what use is that advice to him if he has to step outside of his comfort zone and do stuff he never normally does in order to get the win? Manny does not sit there patiently waiting for you to overextend yourself, or leave openings while you punch. He actively forces you to make mistakes and leave openings with his pace, footwork, and aggression.
Often times they say the guys that will give you the most trouble are guys that do the same things. It's like a mirror where you have to find out who applies that style better. Obviously Manny is eons ahead of Zab in every department, but they don't fight anything alike. Not saying Manny can't win but it won't look at all similar to me as that fight. Manny is not gonna sit around waiting to catch Floyd with a perfect right hook counter. He's gonna be balls to the wall which also leaves Floyd plenty of opportunities to counter which is why that comparison doesn't work for me personally.