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Comments Thread For: Chavez Sr. Blames Arum For Mayweather-Pacquiao Stall

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    This is hilarious, Floyd is the greatest crimminal mind in history of sports, if you listen to the roids, he owns all the refs, judges, commentators, fans, drug testing companies, and NOW TELEVISION NETWORKS. Oh yeah, he's a undefeated boxer that is dumb as a box of rocks. And yet, he's a crimminal mastermind. All AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. Thats what we are to believe if you listen to the pac-roids. He really is TBE doing all that


      Originally posted by MRCHOKEaMF View Post
      This is hilarious, Floyd is the greatest crimminal mind in history of sports, if you listen to the roids, he owns all the refs, judges, commentators, fans, drug testing companies, and NOW TELEVISION NETWORKS. Oh yeah, he's a undefeated boxer that is dumb as a box of rocks. And yet, he's a crimminal mastermind. All AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. Thats what we are to believe if you listen to the pac-roids. He really is TBE doing all that
      Ward still running from Kovalev?


        Chavez Sr's son, Julio, is currently involved in a legal dispute with Top Rank
        Yeah, this guy isn't biased.


          Originally posted by junior gong View Post
          Ward still running from Kovalev?
          ha, ha. youre telling on yourself. so I know one of your alts. lol but the point still remains, floyd has got to be the greatest crimminal to ever live if you listen to alot of you guys


            Originally posted by hectari View Post
            What one sided talk? Sam Watson who is Al Haymons right hand man has video of him saying the fight is going to get done and they are both talking he is Mayweathers guy.
            So what's you point ...what's the problem. Everyone with common sense knows this is the issue even ariza said while with their camp


              Originally posted by MRCHOKEaMF View Post
              ha, ha. youre telling on yourself. so I know one of your alts. lol but the point still remains, floyd has got to be the greatest crimminal to ever live if you listen to alot of you guys
              Errr, no. I know this might surprise you given that you greasy little floydchuffers think that kind of crap should be encouraged, but I'm not a raging *****, so as such I dont need to descend to that level of phaggotry. I leave that to you and your disgusting ilk.


                Originally posted by MRCHOKEaMF View Post
                This is hilarious, Floyd is the greatest crimminal mind in history of sports, if you listen to the roids, he owns all the refs, judges, commentators, fans, drug testing companies, and NOW TELEVISION NETWORKS. Oh yeah, he's a undefeated boxer that is dumb as a box of rocks. And yet, he's a crimminal mastermind. All AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. Thats what we are to believe if you listen to the pac-roids. He really is TBE doing all that
                You are hilarious and lose all credibility for saying Floyd and mastermind in same sentence ...lmao must be a sheep . Bob aka the Bob father 83 year old mobster is the greatest criminal in boxing history bar none ...he was investigated for rigging fights and Medical records ...please google ...this is no bs new soaked reporting ...I'm not the one to use the race card since I am biracial maybe I get a pass lmao but how the hell does Arum (no matter who says it) not get any blame ...he's don king on steroids ...not the ones PAC was using


                  Originally posted by Bep3373 View Post
                  So what's you point ...what's the problem. Everyone with common sense knows this is the issue even ariza said while with their camp
                  Come on man...dont bring up facts. Pac-roids cant stand that, instead lets talk about how floyd owns all the refs, judges, commentators, drug testing companies, opponents, television networks, all while going undefeated during his professional boxing career and being dumb while accomplishing this. it makes more sense.


                    Chavez is trying to get back at Arum.

                    Pac has accepted all of Jr's DEMANDS

                    What more is there to agree too ???????

                    Jr, where you at boy ? Jr, I say JR boy , I say BOY where you at ?

                    git yo azzzzzz in dis here ring boy and take the good whuppin,,,boy!


                      Originally posted by junior gong View Post
                      Errr, no. I know this might surprise you given that you greasy little floydchuffers think that kind of crap should be encouraged, but I'm not a raging *****, so as such I dont need to descend to that level of phaggotry. I leave that to you and your disgusting ilk.
                      you are funny, a couple of days ago we were talking about my pic and you did one with kov and ward, then out of no where you bring up ward and kov again, when the discussion had nothing to do with either one of them . lol you got busted, but youre ******, so i use all the things you guys say about Floyd and now you deny that also, im just using what you guys say that floyd does in order to win fights, and if you say all of this is done by a boxer while he's still competing he's TBE hands down, if he does all of this, what makes you think manny has any chance? You guys say the reason manny hasnt gotten a KO is because he's fighting WW's, well Floyd is a WW who has never been dropped but you believe manny who you guys say cant get a KO at ww is gonna come up with the power to do this when you already used this as the excuse to why he cant do it. And he's gonna some how get his missing power back. lol you guys contradict yourselves all the time. so which is it, he's a crimminal mastermind or is he dumb. Has manny not been able to knock anyone out due to drug testing or because he's fighting WW's. YOU FRUIT BOOTIES CRACK ME UP!

