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why is golovkin so strong
Throws every punch
Arches his punches in a way so that it sneaks through the guard
Then it's his right uppercut, it comes from such an unorthodox range that one never sees it coming. Only Golovkin and Marquez throw the uppercut from that range.
Opposition. The guys he's stopped aren't unknockoutable. Coupled with him being a very good fighter, he's going to rack up those KO's. If he steps up in class, and fights opposition similar to that of the Super 6 of Ward, Dirrell, Froch, Kessler, etc. you would see his power absorbed easier. I'm not saying his power isn't legit, and that he can't KO guys that have never suffered a KO, he KO'ed Geale, Ishida, Adama, Proksa, his power is real. He can KO durable C level guys who have never been stopped. But once he steps up to durable A and B level guys, that's when we'll see how good his power really is. Probably still powerful and dangerous but we'd see more 12 rounders.