BHop is amazing - 49 years old and still competing at the highest level...
That said, folks saying that the eventual winner of Stevenson/Kovalev can fight him for the lineal bragging rights at 175, I disagree with.
Stevenson iced Dawson in a round... the same Dawson who clearly beat Hopkins.
Stevenson/Kovalev is for the lineal title, period.
I don't get what you're saying. If Hopkins were to fight Stevenson / Kovalev winner, it would be for the lineal title. Stevenson is the lineal champ right now.
I don't get what you're saying. If Hopkins were to fight Stevenson / Kovalev winner, it would be for the lineal title. Stevenson is the lineal champ right now.
I don't get what you're saying. If Hopkins were to fight Stevenson / Kovalev winner, it would be for the lineal title. Stevenson is the lineal champ right now.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear.
I just meant the lineal title right now belongs to Stevenson, but a lot of guys think Kovalev may be the true #1.
Whenever they get it on, and we see who is left standing, the debate will be over. They won't have to beat Hopkins to prove it.
That's what I meant.
BHop is a wiley vet though - he'll probably fight and somehow beat the winner - and then I'll have to eat crow.
The only reason he's a "champ" now is because he was gifted the belt after being beaten to a pulp four years ago by Campillo. One of the worst decisions of recent memory.
You realize Golden Boy fighters can't fight on HBO right? Hopkins already tried to fight Stevenson, Stevenson wanted to fight Hopkins but HBO obviously rejected it. Shumenov is Hopkins only option.
Hopkins had a chance to fight Kovalev when network affiliation didnt matter, and Showtime and Golden Boy rejected the fight. Before they approved the supremely well known Karo Murat