There is no way manny can stay with Floyd at all. This fight is not going to happen anyway! I respect both fighters also but manny is the great white hope for Floyd haters.
If Floyd beats Pacquiao and Porter, thus becoming the Undisputed Welterweight Champion, then beats Khan, where does he rank all time?
At this very point of either Mayweather and Pacquiao's career, it wouldn't matter as much because these are simply icings on their already ATG resume...
They are both collecting or padding up their resumes now and just trying to get as fat as possible financially. And so, both are already set in their ATG rankings pretty much, UNLESS they add another weight division such as the Middle Weight or Junior Middle Weight (in Pac's resume). With Pacquiao, it would be his 9th weight divisional championship or if Mayweather (don't know how many weight levels he has held)...
Pac would probably end up somewhere in the TOP 20...and Mayweather same or little bit higher, say TOP 30?