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Martinez vs. Macklin officially sold out

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    Martinez vs. Macklin officially sold out

    danrafaelespn MSG Theater will be a sellout for @maravillabox-@mattmacklin, according to @loudibella. Said 40 tix are left as of right now. #boxing
    9 minutes ago ?reply ?retweet ?favorite

    only 40 tix left prob already gone by now

    I decided to skip this fight

    Being to previous Martinez fights, out of the 5000 tix "sold", only 3500 will actually be there and 3000 will be Macklin fans


      guess the irish bought the tickets?


        They all came to see Don the bomb.


          I'm surprised because the tickets are so expensive this time. I gues the price was right for supply and demand to be in equilibrium this time, but Dibella needs to price the tickets better next time especially if Martinez doesn't fight somebody with a name again. I notice Chavez Jr tickets are extremely cheap. Chavez vs Rubio tickets for example were at $200, $100, $60, $40 and $25. Martinez vs Dzinziruk were $450, $250, $125, $75, $50. No wonder they can't fill up the room.
          Last edited by DoktorSleepless; 03-17-2012, 03:58 PM.


            Sold out thanks to Macklin.

            Sergio couldn't sell out an elementary school cafeteria.


              The way I see it, since it's St Patrick's day, the majority of people will be there to support Macklin, but there's no way it would sell nearly as well without Martinez especially with those high ticket prices. They may be rooting for Macklin, but they're paying top dollar to see Macklin fight Martinez specifically. Put in a random middleweight like Kid Chocolate, it would bomb. Macklin has never fought in the US nor has he been in national American television before so he would need a really good name for this to sell well. Even Andy Lee who has had a ton more exposure than Macklin in the US was going to headline a St Patricks day event in the theater a few years back that was cancelled due to poor ticket sales.
              Last edited by DoktorSleepless; 03-17-2012, 04:19 PM.


                That's a lot of drunk Irishmen.


                • #9
                  It doesn't matter if there are a million people there or 25, Martinez is going to tax that azz


                    Anyone know the maximum capacity? I know the Theater at MSG isn't really that big. Probably only sold about 6k tickets.

