Floyd is really good at countering to the head on fighters who aim to his body. Ortiz should put some work in when he can, but he'll get chopped up if he isn't smart about it.
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Ortiz should attack Floyd body!!!!
The way to beat Floyd or cause him problem is to get him when he jabs to the body because that's when he's most vulnerable and open..of course, it takes equal amount of quickness and timing. .the deal is a counter right hook from the southpaw stance ala Zab judah and Corley. Manny does have that punch as well, but i have yet to see him try it on a fighter as quick as FLoyd and he's helluva slow with it as well.
Lol. Just go for the body?? Trust me, that was the game plan for a lot of fighters. The thing with Floyd is, his boxing stance is sideways, so he gives you half the target. His stance isn't squared up where you have an open body to attack. With Floyd, its not as easy as "just go for the body."
Originally posted by IronDanHamza View PostTo me that fight willl always be 'the fight that Lederman was scoring a draw going into the round Floyd stopped him in'
What the hell was he watching?
Credit to Chavez. He kept coming threw the rainstorm. Even when his head started getting snapped back.
Originally posted by Pastrano View PostOrtiz should just try and catch him with the left hook and stun him, like DeMarcus did. But then he must follow up as well. And THATS the question! HOW?!!?
hit his shoulders, arms, forearms and hands...
specially the hands..for the first 5 rounds
and hope and pray floyd later use his head and body, to protect his hands..
just a wild card...nothing serious
Originally posted by -KULT- View PostI forgot to emphasize about Floyd's broken rib. Ortiz shoud try tagging that rib to see if it has indeed fully healed.