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Comments Thread For: Miranda, Despaigne: Both Confident a KO Was Coming

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    Comments Thread For: Miranda, Despaigne: Both Confident a KO Was Coming

    Light heavyweight contender Edison Miranda (34-6, 29KOs) can't believe the referee disqualified him for repeated low blows on Friday night at the Cosmopolitan Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. After two point deductions in the earlier rounds, a third low blow in the fifth gave Yordanis Despaigne (9-1, 4KOs) the biggest win of his career.

    [Click Here To Read More]

    That ref who did a great job for Khan/Judah totally screwed up Miranda/Despaigne fight.

    Despaigne kept crying like a baby too much, he held Mirandas head down and Miranda hit him low. The ref should have realized that and not dq'd Miranda.

    I want a rematch, otherwise we really don't know who would have won. Yes, Despaigne was clearly winning by points before the dq but Miranda looked like he was getting to Despaigne to me. It could have ended up being a really good fight that ended too soon.


      Miranda's delusional attitude has not helped him in his career. He just got knocked out in his last lucrative fight for trying to act machismo, and he does it AGAIN with Despaigne after already getting badly wobbled by Despaigne.


        Despaigne's trainer, John David Jackson, makes some sensible, solid comments in the last paragraph of the article. Not too often you hear that kind of objectivity in boxing.


          That fight was just starting to get interesting I am not sure that Despaigne would have won but I think its fair to say he is not really going anywhere and will be blown out again when he steps up.


            Drakulich, who's usually a good ref sort of messed up last night..In My opinion the fight shouldn't have been stopped..The 1st point he took from Miranda(end of the 2nd round) was totally uncalled for, as a matter of fact he should have taken the point from Despaigne for putting an awful act!! & when the fight was really starting to heating up(5th round) it was clear the low blow was unintentional & it was caused by Despainge pulling Miranda's head down..


              The referee also made a bad call @ the Judah vs Kahn fight. Great **** job again.


                agree that the ref did a lousy job -- BUT Miranda was warned repeatedly even after the 2nd point deducation and STILL kept hitting him low -- Miranda was just winging shots without any idea where they would land -- this cost him a chance to rally late and stop Despaigne which I think was not totally out of the question


                  Miranda was fighting bad regardless of the lousy call from the ref.

