Is that the upper-cut what sent Tyson crouching down? Why did they rule that a knock-down, his glove never touched the ground..
That upper-cut seemed to hurt him, but it didn't seem to hurt him in a way boxers are generally hurt..It seemed to hurt him just by being such a hard shot, rather than hurting him and almost putting him to sleep. I don't think anyone can ever put Tyson to sleep or knock him out the way he use to knock people know, in a very devasting fashion.
Yo jack you say that tyson dancing on the backfoot wouldnt of suited him because he was too short , but do you think tyson was capable of boxing on the backfoot because a lot of people think tyson wasent able to fight on the backfoot . What do you think ? .
Yo jack you say that tyson dancing on the backfoot wouldnt of suited him because he was too short , but do you think tyson was capable of boxing on the backfoot because a lot of people think tyson wasent able to fight on the backfoot . What do you think ? .
cat that post makes no sence at all stop bumping up this thread
Jack when you say mike wouldnt be effective fighting on the backfoot do you mean that he is too short to pull it off ? . Do you think mike would have any problem dancing backwards instead of forwards ? . Do you think mike would dance quicker going backwards than forwards ? .
Yeah but jack, chris byrd is short and he boxes going backwards so if he can do it why couldnt mike ? . Do you think mike would be quicker dancing backwards than forwards ?