Mike Tyson had pretty good feet. Fleet of foot? Maybe. It all depends on how good his maths were and if he liked hop scotch as a teen. I know that whipped my shoes and hole filled socks in a frenzy, and I'd like to think I had fancy feet as well staying within those lines at a frantic pace on one or two legs. Skipping is also a technique that could've strengthened young Michael's inner calf. A close second is the 'hop' skip. It's childish, but effective for the soles of the feet and if done right the feet won't get caught so you'll fall on the hop and you'll land well after the skipping. Who here ever took sequential math? I don't want to get too verbose, but I know there's an equation that could properly calculate the sophistication in wheel work movement of Kid Dynamite's feet when he touched his toes and did not bend his knees. Resting and stopping then resting and stopping would provide much data to the study. The answer might shed some light on how fleet he was or fleet he could have been. I'd like to see others take a crack at this and maybe we can get to the bottom of this with more discussion. The amount of responses in this thread are extremely lacking and no where near enough to get to the bottom of this subject.