I can't understand the judges decision at all. Round 1 I gave to Bradley but round 2 was a Pacquiao round. Round 5 was also a Pacquiao round but I can't remember which one out of round 7/8 I gave to PAC it was 6AM over here. I had it 116-112 for Pacquiao.
I think Manny did better against Bradley than Floyd did against Cotto. But look at the difference in the scorecards.
These old judges should just admit that they were pissed at Pacquiao for making them wait, the reason why they fakked up his scorecard. Just admit it.
No way, Floyd didn't give up any of the championship rounds to Cotto, he finished strong. It doesn't help that Pacquiao gave away the last 3 rounds, and almost gave away the last 4 actually.
edit: thanks for those pointing it out I didn't catch it at first. It does indeed sound like Bradley says "Mayweather would beat him, but Mayweather'll never stop him".