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Who Won Pac-Bradley? Post fight discussion STOP MAKING NEW THREADS ABOUT THIS FIGHT.

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    You people are the ones that should be investigated. This fight was a close fight period, yes you could claim Pacman won but to claim this wasn’t a close fight is a laughable. Learn to score a fight


      Originally posted by DLT View Post
      you cant investigate stuff unless its pretty unanimous and the fact is there are some people who think Bradley won, it was a draw, or it was close. You cant investigate that.
      it is pretty unanimous fool ...


        Interesting point regarding HBO and the scoring of the fight

        First off, let me say I thought Pacquiao won the fight. But I had it closer than most people, I scored it 115-113 for Pac. Let me also say, I was at the fight live, not front row or anything but still had a pretty good view.

        Now, the HBO crew thought the fight was onesided, and it reflected in their scoring and announcing. Now you can say that everyone in the media had it for Pacquiao as well. HOWEVER, nearly everyone in the media, like most of us, watched the fight on an HBO broadcast.

        The judges obviously watched it live and not from HBO's perspective. Even Max Kellerman said that he polled people on pressrow and a lot thought Bradley won. Also, Brian Kenny, whose a pretty respected boxing guy, watched the fight on pressrow, scored it 116-112 for Bradley. Few others had it for Bradley as well.

        My point is, isn't it interesting how the few people who thought Bradley won were also the people who were watching on pressrow, and not on HBO? If you do some research and look at the scores from media on pressrow, you'll see most had it very close, while the media that just watched it on HBO had it wide.

        I know everyone on this board will dispel this and claim to be an unbiased boxing expert who calls it like it is, but you can't say when the crowd roars and Jim Lampley creams his pants everytime Pac throws a punch whether it lands or not, that anyone's perception wouldn't be affected.

        anyway, just my 2 cents. thought Pac won a close decision, but felt this was no bigger a robbery than the Marquez fight


          Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
          He's really been pissing me off

          More so with his stance on drugs
          This. Arum is right about one thing. They are incredibly arrogant and refuse to think they do anything wrong.


            Originally posted by Flawless* View Post
            You people are the ones that should be investigated. This fight was a close fight period, yes you could claim Pacman won but to claim this wasn’t a close fight is a laughable. Learn to score a fight
            where are the CREDIBLE boxing afficionados who had bradley winning?

            pac vs bradley fight

            Barry Tompkins, Showtime: 119-110 Pacquiao
            Harold Lederman, HBO: 119-109 Pacquiao
            Ray Markarian, The Sweet Science: 119-109 Pacquiao
            Michael Marley, Examiner: 119-109 Pacquiao
            Dan Rafael, ESPN: 119-109 Pacquiao
            Vittorio Tafur, San Francisco Chronicle: 119-109 Pacquiao
            Michael Woods, The Sweet Science: 119-109 Pacquiao
            Ramon Aranda, 3 More Rounds: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Mario Cabrera, Boxing Republic: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Nigel Collins, ESPN: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Mike Coppinger, Ring Magazine: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Ace Freeman, Fight Fan: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Rich Marotta, KFI Los Angeles: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Kelsey McCarson, The Sweet Science: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Gabriel Montoya, MaxBoxing: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Pete O’Brien, USA Today: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Eric Raskin, Grantland: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Michael Rosenthal, Ring Magazine: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Colin Seymour, Examiner: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Ryan ********, Ring Magazine: 118-110 Pacquiao
            Ryan Burton, Boxing Scene: 117-112 Pacquiao
            Scott Christ, Bad Left Hook: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Tim Dahlberg, Associated Press: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Gareth Davies, London Daily Telegraph: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Doug Fischer, Ring Magazine: 117-111 Pacquiao
            David Greisman, Boxing Scene: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Jorge Hernandez, The Low Blow: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Kevin Iole, Yahoo! Sports: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Robert Littal, Black Sports Online: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Steve Kim, Max Boxing: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Ryan Maquiñana, Comcast SportsNet Bay Area: 117-111 Pacquiao
            David Mayo, MLive: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Kieran Mulvaney, HBO: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Lance Pugmire, Los Angeles Times: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Chris Robinson, Boxing Scene: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Cliff Rold, Boxing Scene: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Champ Ross, Da Truth Boxing: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Luis Sandoval, Boxing Scene: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Jonathan Sakti, Comcast SportsNet Bay Area: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Tim Starks, Queensberry Rules: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Richie Tomassini, Comcast SportsNet Bay Area: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Darren Velasco, 8 Count News: 117-111 Pacquiao
            Rick Reeno, Boxing Scene: 116-112 Pacquiao
            George Willis, New York Post: 116-112 Pacquiao
            Steve Zemach, Queensberry Rules: 116-112 Pacquiao
            Armando Alvarez, Telemundo: 115-113 Pacquiao
            Jake Donovan, Boxing Scene: 115-113 Pacquiao
            Lem Satterfield, Ring Magazine: 115-113 Pacquiao
            Fox Sports: 109-119 Manny Pacquiao
            Los Angeles Times: 117-111 Manny Pacquiao
            Guardian UK: 117-111 Manny Pacquiao
            ESPN (Dan Rafael): 119-109 Manny Pacquiao
            HBO (Harold Lederman): 119-109 Manny Pacquiao
            Fighthype.com: 116-112 Manny Pacquiao
            East Side Boxing: 118-110 Manny Pacquiao
            The Associated Press: 117-111 Manny Pacquiao
            Yahoo! Sports: 117-111 Manny Pacquiao
            Daily Telegraph: 117-111 Manny Pacquiao
            Primetime: 116-112 Manny Pacquiao
            ESPN (Michael Woods): 119-109 Manny Pacquiao


              Originally posted by Mr. Fantastic View Post
              He destroyed and outclassed Cotto. WTH was so brutal about it from Pac? Unless you mean the brutal beating he gave Cotto.
              Busted ear drums aren't brutal? He got touched up enough for four months to be pretty quick turn around.


                This POS is definitely part of the problem. He's in tight with not just TR but GB. Kizer will go along with what ever the Big-Ballas say.

                Las Vegas "Whatever you say" Commission.


                  Originally posted by GOATyson View Post
                  I think Arum could come under investigation, I've already heard from a legitimate source working the event in Vegas that there was a big scuffle in Manny's locker room before the fight, when he was allegedly warming up he was actually with Arum back and forth threatening not to fight causing the delay before the fight. The theory is PAC was told that the fix was in and he squeezed Arum for more money to go through with it. Some of that is speculation but I was told there was a lot of activity going on behind the scenes which caused the delay.
                  Does anyone have the mojo to put the clap on Arum? I seriously doubt it. The man isn't where he is without friends in the right places.


                    I'll reserve my right to remain silent...


                      Agreed! The HBO crew brainwashed 90% of the viewers.

                      Close fight that Pac should of won but far from one of the biggest robberies even this year.

                      Pac has nobody to blame but himself for throwing away the championship rounds.

