with a name like bozo nono, you have to be a fool anyhow. of course my name, slipx, is no formal proper nickname either. But it is extremely original, likely the most original on the site. I won't go too far into it here, (that's a whole nother thread...) has to do with something that happened to me that only a few people know about..So having it in my sig here will be worth it when someday one of them sees the word Slipx they'll know exactly who I am.
a persons internet name directly gauges their intelligence, imo. if I see a person named -)Likqwid_Fyre(-, I immediately know it's a pre pubescent teenager. same thing carries over to names like bozo_nono.
a persons internet name directly gauges their intelligence, imo. if I see a person named -)Likqwid_Fyre(-, I immediately know it's a pre pubescent teenager. same thing carries over to names like bozo_nono.