When I heard "ID Sir" I would of told him to let me in my house, and I would of given him a chance. After he said "Your ID Please sir" after I clearly told him I'm the one who hired his punk ass, I would of gotten out of the car and smacked that ****** bitch. This dumb motherfucker won't even let me in my own home.
He's a *******. His ass needs to get fired. I applaud Floyd for not beating his ass because I sure as hell would of.
Only *******s are saying "Floyd should be in jail!" or "He's doing this to duck manny" what idiots.
NOOOOO, he is not the one who hired the guard but the commnunity (because he is not like Pac that has high powered ammo security guard that opens the gate whenever pac leaves and enter his MANSION). GOT THE DIFFERENCE NOW?
If the security guard did not recognize him then he should not have that job. Fire him.
The truth is if you have a job like that you should be able to recognize certain faces, if you don't know Floyd from the fame that's fine but the fact that he owns one, or the most expensive house in the community should make the security guard a bit more wary.
I.D. SIR PLEASE!!! That's a protocol. if you does not like it, then live a community that has no security to secure your property. why need a security if you don't like what they do? So Simple...
because floyd is as arrogant as he is. just put yourself in the guard shoes(maybe just woke up from a nap) treated as if Floyd needs to yell at you just for you to open the gate, is it okay for you as a human even if you are just a phuckin secu guard?. No doubt floyd is smart in the ring but he is a dumb outside boxing (because of his money I guess) that's why he needs to fight Pac....
Fighting Pac or not has nothing to do with the legal troubles he's currently having. The guy is just a child in a man's body. I have teenage boys. And their mother doesn't understand why the **** that they do annoys me more now than it did 2-3 years ago. And its because they need to grow up. Same with Money. He doesn't do anything particularly bad. But, from a 33-34 year old man, it seems incredibily ******. All fighting Pacquaio would do is give him about 6 months to totally focus on something. But after that, he's gonna go back to being the same immature, child prodigy that throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
Who knows why the guard didn't know who Floyd was?? Maybe he was new. Maybe he didnt follow boxing..Or maybe he just doesnt give a ****
In any case, its a gated community, not a private estate... Floyd was driving an unregistered vehicle (vehicle that was not in their logs) which is why it doesn't have a sticker..Which is why the rent-a-cop asked for an ID..It's pretty procedural what the guard did...
IF he didn't know who Floyd was why did the CCTV footage end up with TMZ???
Exactly. Next thing you know we see an article where Floyd got out of the car and poked the guard off camera.
They're just trying to cash in.
Tried to lead the dummies to this conclusion earlier..........22 pages and they still haven't figured it out. He could not have not known who Floyd was if he worked there for longer than a few weeks or has lived in Vegas for a while.....it's not plausible. He just sent some CCTV footage to TMZ of some random rich black guy he didn't know, who had verbally abused him
If TMZ is paying for footage of random people going nuts at security guards i'm buying a video camera tm
IF he didn't know who Floyd was why did the CCTV footage end up with TMZ???
conspiracy theory as usual...
anyway, as other poster's analysis, it could have been Floyd stage the drama to use as evidence that he really did not poke the face of the first secu guard. you heard Floyd sayin' "just like the other guard who LIEd"?