I find it sad that hardly anyone can break away from hating on the Klits, which seems to be an agenda they have been brainwashed into thinking by the media(the American media specifically), rather than their actual opinion, honestly, its tiring the amount of people that share the same opinions regarding the Klits, I mean you would of thought that more people would be able to break away from the same old predictable opinion that the media try and push onto them, but nope, they are like lemmings blindly following each other off the cliff.
Im not a fan of Wlad, I think he is boring to be honest, but I dont waste my time hating on him, to me he is too insignificant to hate on, im just like, what ever!, thats how I feel about him, that said, I do respect his efficiency, professionalism.
I like VK, that said, I dont begrudge anyone who is not a fan, but you dont have to fall in line with what the media want you to believe, if its not British fans with an agenda (Haye), its American fans who have been brainwashed by the old " where are all the American HW's, all these Europeans are rubbish etc" you might think they are, but the point does not need reiterating constantly, when it is constantly reiterated, it goes from not being a fan and having a right to not be a fan, to pure hating, now you can say its cause of Klit nuthuggers, but seriously, how many Klit nuthuggers are there? not many.
Im not a fan of Wlad, I think he is boring to be honest, but I dont waste my time hating on him, to me he is too insignificant to hate on, im just like, what ever!, thats how I feel about him, that said, I do respect his efficiency, professionalism.
I like VK, that said, I dont begrudge anyone who is not a fan, but you dont have to fall in line with what the media want you to believe, if its not British fans with an agenda (Haye), its American fans who have been brainwashed by the old " where are all the American HW's, all these Europeans are rubbish etc" you might think they are, but the point does not need reiterating constantly, when it is constantly reiterated, it goes from not being a fan and having a right to not be a fan, to pure hating, now you can say its cause of Klit nuthuggers, but seriously, how many Klit nuthuggers are there? not many.