Originally posted by Ichee
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Who will be remembered as the greater fighter: Manny Pacquiao or Floyd Mayweather?
Originally posted by IcheeThis is why I made my thread.. is there a fighter more over-hyped than Manny Pacquiao? The poll results are atrocious..
everybody making up own thread because he does not had his way or desired result in a thread he joined in will fill up nsb.....cheers to that!!!!!
LOOOL at the vote, pathetic nut huggery by Floyd fans to create more threads, maybe they are ******ed?
Funny how Pac fanboys always run to a three year old poll to give themselves reassurance. Last I checked it is 2013 and Manny has lost two of his last three fights. This is like if the RJJ GOAT people would constantly bump a 2001 poll to make themselves feel better. The Pac fanboys always scamper back to 2009/10 and declare Manny the best, too bad that isn't how boxing works.