Oh HELL NO say it ain't so, do i hear fear in all these PACMAN fan voices I thought he was King Kong at 147 the best. Why are all these PACMAN fan's talking about P-Will can't make he weight if the man says he can he can. They saying that fight is to dangerous for PAC. Then PAC himself talking he to tall I finally have seen the B!#$H in him. P-Will beat Margarito with the loaded gloves, Cotto be for real PAC almost killed him the best fight if Pretty Girl Floyd says no is a fight with P-Will but of course that would be the end of the PACMAN era!
Honestly bro that is all I read. I already can tell this whole post is about to be pure bull****.
You want to talk about that dumb **** and be a fan boy. Then go talk to somebody else. If you want to be a boxing fan and talk about boxing then you can talk to me. But, come with a better opening sentence.
Well then let's deal with facts my dude. 90/10 vs Clottey? I guarantee you Cotto would've made double against PBF than what he made against your boy Pac. PBF/Cotto would STILL be bigger right now than Pac/Cotto was. While sooo many others have made career paydays fighting Floyd if you don't bring leverage to the table fighting Manny you will get ****d. Pwillz knows that Manny brings a couple of dollars to the table but a Floyd fight would bring money he could retire on. Do some research if you haven't already. You know I'm speaking truthfully. :-)
So a guy who hasn't fought at 147 in about 3 fights, is trying to get a fight against the 147 champ? This is the same guy who in his last fight against Cintron sold about 300 tickets? Goosen is a bigger idiot than I thought, no one is going to pay for Pacquaio vs. Williams if it gets made which it won't. If Manny isn't going to fight Foreman he is not going to fight a guy 4 inches taller than him. Give it up Williams, you're not that good, you can't draw for **** and you're ducking the fight people actually want to see you in. Hated Williams before, hate him even more now.
Y'all idiots who r saying it's a weight class not a height class r dumber than dirt... Paul Williams frame would allow him to put probably 15+ pounds after the weigh ins... Williams needs to fight someone his own size.... ****** for y'all to expect manny to take such a huge disadvantage
Well then let's deal with facts my dude. 90/10 vs Clottey? I guarantee you Cotto would've made double against PBF than what he made against your boy Pac. PBF/Cotto would STILL be bigger right now than Pac/Cotto was. While sooo many others have made career paydays fighting Floyd if you don't bring leverage to the table fighting Manny you will get ****d. Pwillz knows that Manny brings a couple of dollars to the table but a Floyd fight would bring money he could retire on. Do some research if you haven't already. You know I'm speaking truthfully. :-)
Again I stopped reading right there. You want to go talk about purses and who is the bigger draw go talk to somebody else...
I just really don't care about that ****. I am a boxing fan and I care about fights. Not really fan about money that I am not never going to get. Now if I'm getting money out the deal sure. I will care but if I am not then is just a bunch of bull**** to me.
WOW THE PACMAN VS THE PUNISHER, Man That would be an awesome fight! But seems to good to be true. But i hope if they do turn down wiliams to do it quick so Martinez still has a chance to get the rematch set up.