I think it is sad that people would rather see their favorite fighter continue to win instead of doing what is right, in fact it seems to me that many Pacman fans could careless if he is dirty as long as he keeps winning and as long as he beats Mayweather they don't care how he does it
and it is funny to me all the excuses people come up with, "It Gives Mayweather The Advantage"...but they are both taking the exact same test, "Well Mayweather Is Bigger So The Test Won't Drain Him As Much" "It Gives Mayweather The Advantage Mentally"
are we talking about a simple blood test or a damn blood transfusion? if you can't recover from a simple blood test in 14 days then something is wrong with you, we all have given blood for our doctors for a physical and it only take a matter of hours to recover from those test
maybe the real reason you don't want to test is because you have something to hide, sorry but with that type of money on the line it is not another boxer today that would walk away from that fight over a test, I would totally understand if Mayweather was asking him to take a blood test the night of the fight but that is not the case, it does not take you more then 14 days to recover from a blood test MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY!
and it is funny to me all the excuses people come up with, "It Gives Mayweather The Advantage"...but they are both taking the exact same test, "Well Mayweather Is Bigger So The Test Won't Drain Him As Much" "It Gives Mayweather The Advantage Mentally"
are we talking about a simple blood test or a damn blood transfusion? if you can't recover from a simple blood test in 14 days then something is wrong with you, we all have given blood for our doctors for a physical and it only take a matter of hours to recover from those test
maybe the real reason you don't want to test is because you have something to hide, sorry but with that type of money on the line it is not another boxer today that would walk away from that fight over a test, I would totally understand if Mayweather was asking him to take a blood test the night of the fight but that is not the case, it does not take you more then 14 days to recover from a blood test MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY!