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    I'll be starting from the Soto-Chavez in the second round.

    ROUND 2:
    Head after the first 45 seconds of action. Soto seemed more bothered. Chavez is forcing the action, asttacking the body, but Soto is blocking well and is countering well off the ropes with uppercuts and a solid body attack. Both using their jabs, Soto's landing more. Nice one-two by Soto. In the middle of the ring, Soto is is taking his time. Combination misses by Soto. Soto hits him with th the right. End of the round.

    Close one, but I'd give it to Soto and with the knockdown of Chavez in the first, Soto is up two rounds to none

    Soto, 20-17.

    wow thanks, keep it up for the Pavlik fight. doesnt seem to be any streams so ill have to read from u


      The third starts off with big winging shots being thrown by Chavez, who continues to pressure. So far, Soto is only jabbing, backing up. uppercut misses by Soto, but the left hits. Soto ducks the shots in the corner and they're back in the middle. Now against the ropes, Soto is hitting the solid counters as Chavez rushes in. Nice left by Soto, Chavez connects with the solid shots to the body. Nice overhand by Soto but Chavez takes it well. Still pressuring. Nice combination fro soto. Solid right by Chavez. A few good lefts by Soto. Another one-two by Soto. It seems to be coming together for Soto. Chavez gets a warning for pushing. Jab misses for Soto. The round ends.

      Soto round, 30-26 - Soto.


        ROUND FOUR:
        They come out touching gloves. Chavez pressuring right away. nice counter from Chavez. Slight land. A solid combination from Chavez. Soto lands a decent uppercut off the ropes. Chavez misses the big right hand. In close, Chavez is winning the battle with short little shots. Good uppercut from Soto, Another follows, then Chavez goes to the body. Chavez making it rough in there, still. In the middle of the ring now, Nice left hook by Soto, but Chavez comes back with two solid rights. D Soto hits him well with two uppercuts and he hurt Chavez. Now they are letting their hands fly. Soto turns him and puts him agaisnt the ropes and goes on a wild attack. Now, Chavez and Soto are seperated and Soto backs up again, as Chavez comes in. Missing after being the flurries. Soto making him miss. Nice jab by Chavez. Nice three punch combination for Soto.Round for Soto.

        Soto, 40-35


          ROUND FIVE:
          Chavez comes out at him again. Warning to both for headbutts. Nice body shots from Chavez, with Soto in the corner. Jab misses for Soto. The next connects. Against the ropes, Chavez gets some work done to the body and head. Two solid uppercuts connect for Soto and he turns him, getting off the ropes. Staying inside, but in the middle of the ring, body shots landed for Soto. Now Chavez gets to the body. Chavez against the ropes as Soto lands a few shots. A couple of shots landing for both guys but Chavez seems to be getting hit harder and slowing down a bit. Two, now three solid right hands in a row. Soto ducking and dodging. Blocking, now chavez pushing Soto all the way out of the ring. Crowd not licking it. Soto taking a breather, limping slightly. The ref taking a point away from Chavez. Soto and Chavez have to be seperated after the bell bevcause Soto looks pissed.

          Soto round. point deduction.

          50-43, Soto.


            ROUND SIX:
            Before the round stops, the ref tells them to keep it clean. Chavez hits him with a right. Chavez misses, Soto hits the uppercut. and Soto gets hit HARD, down stairs. Soto drops and rolls around, holding his nuts. Soto doesn't seem to be acting here. He got hit HARD to the nuts. The ref giving him all the time he needs.With the replay, it looks fairly blatant. The announcers disagree. After about 2 minutes, the action presumes. Chavez gets a warning and Soto is in the corner, both letting 'em fly. Soto is winning the exchange and Chavez is still coming forward. The ref seperates and Chavez comes back, Soto against the ropes. Jab by Chavez lands. Soto hits the uppercut and Chavez goes to the body. Blocked. Soto still against the ropes and Soto creates seperation and hits the jab., nice right by Chavez. But Soto comes back with a speedy combination.

            Round, Soto.

            60-52, Soto.


              ROUND SEVEN:
              The 7th frame begins with Chavez coming forward. Nice body shot by Chavez, then he goes up top and partially lands. Both miss with right hands. uppercut snaps the head back of Chavez. Chavez misses the left. Soto lands three decent rights. Soto now blocking the slower shots of Chavez. Now Soto pushes Chavez back with a few straight right hands. Soto against the ropes again. big left by Chavez barely misses, but Soto comes right back with a few solid shots. Chavez lands, then Soto follows. Soto in the corner, Chavez landing a few sneaky punches. Soto turnss him around and lands a few accurate, hard shots. Now, Soto in the corner, two uppercuts. Round ends with a left hook by Soto barely missing.

              Soto round.

              70-61, Soto.


                ROUND EIGHT:
                The eighth starts off with Chavez looking a little weary. Shots missing wide from Chavez as Soto ducks and moves. Nice right hand, however from Chavez. Humberto turns him and hits him with the jabs. Both in the middle, with Chavez missing and then pressuring him. A few jabs missing for Soto. Uppercut connects. Ref seperates them and Chavez then comes back in with a body shot. And a hook to the right side of his body. Soto misses the uppercut and then moves. Three punch combination that lands solid for Humberto. The big right hand misses for Chavez. Nice left to the body for Chavez. Soto moves out before anything else lands. Right for Soto connects. Both in the center now.Soto now in the corner and Chavez attacking the body fairly well. Uppercut for Soto connects. Hits him with two shots off the ropes, switches angles, hits him again, backs him up and lands with the best punch of the round at the bell.

                Soto round.

                80-70, Humberto Soto.


                  Both come out touching gloves. Soto looking the fresher of the two. Sticking and moving with the jab, by Soto. A nice body shot by Chavez, then up top. Three decent jabs for Soto. Soto blocks the body shots, then dodges the head shots. A few get thru after that session. Soto still against the ropes. Then, my stream freezes and I have no idea what happens next.

                  I'll begin right after the stream comes back up.


                    FINAL ROUND:

                    The final round. Very good fight. They come out and hug. Crowd very into this one. Chavez missing with the jabs. Both land jabs there. Soto backing up as Jesus pressures. Decent body shot from Chavez. Soto moving around well. Jabs lands for Soto. Big left misses for Chavez. Big right lands for Soto. A few solid lefts for Soto. Chavez wings him with a right. Chavez being blocked to the body. Soto against the ropes as Chavez lands a few small shots. Soto gets his uppercut partially blocks. An uppercut from Chavez, and then a hook,,, but Soto has hit him now with 5 or 6 solid rights that have fazed Chavez. 10 seconds left as Chavez still presures, few rights to close the round for both guys.

                    GREAT FIGHT.

                    To the best of my knowledge, Soto won all the rounds.

                    Regardless, a clear victory for Soto. Really good fight.

