I'll be starting from the Soto-Chavez in the second round.
Head after the first 45 seconds of action. Soto seemed more bothered. Chavez is forcing the action, asttacking the body, but Soto is blocking well and is countering well off the ropes with uppercuts and a solid body attack. Both using their jabs, Soto's landing more. Nice one-two by Soto. In the middle of the ring, Soto is is taking his time. Combination misses by Soto. Soto hits him with th the right. End of the round.
Close one, but I'd give it to Soto and with the knockdown of Chavez in the first, Soto is up two rounds to none
Soto, 20-17.
Head after the first 45 seconds of action. Soto seemed more bothered. Chavez is forcing the action, asttacking the body, but Soto is blocking well and is countering well off the ropes with uppercuts and a solid body attack. Both using their jabs, Soto's landing more. Nice one-two by Soto. In the middle of the ring, Soto is is taking his time. Combination misses by Soto. Soto hits him with th the right. End of the round.
Close one, but I'd give it to Soto and with the knockdown of Chavez in the first, Soto is up two rounds to none
Soto, 20-17.