This can only have a negative impact on the perception of The Ring Championship. It managed to survive DeLaHoyas ownership of the magazine , but now being part of a promotion , it's going to be all but impossible to see the Ring Championship as impartial. That's too bad.
This can only have a negative impact on the perception of The Ring Championship. It managed to survive DeLaHoyas ownership of the magazine , but now being part of a promotion , it's going to be all but impossible to see the Ring Championship as impartial. That's too bad.
The Ring lost their credibility a long time ago. That's why we have the TBRB.
WWE & UFC have plateaued and are dying out, Power Slap was dumb and a bad investment, and now Dana Dingleberry White's going to weazel his way into Boxing by way of His Excellency.
The dude who owns probox and boxingscene, you missed out on a golden opportunity with Turki to set up that new boxing League. Now greedy, dirty Dana going to rat it up.
I've always more or less agreed with the Ring ratings. I don't feel like DLH got involved or impacted that in any way. Of course, I could be wrong.
That was the only ratings that I agreed with . All the boxing rankings ibf, wbo,wbc filled with corruption. So many fighters winning championships fighting C class fighters or fighters coming off a loss . Lara became champion by beating Canelo brother
I spoke about this months ago. To get around the Muhammad Act. Ring will sanction the title, tko will manage the fighters and dazn will promote. The alphabet belts will die out or go to pbc.