If you aspire to be a boxing "hardcore" edgelord it's important you follow these steps:
- Be an unhappy, sedentary male who finds purpose in his life through other people's sporting achievements.
- Never pay for anything. Ensure you illegally stream all fights and proudly boast that you do so.
- Despite point 2, retain a massive sense of entitlement about what boxing should give you.
- Use the word "casual" a lot. Anyone who doesn't spend all their time angrily posting about boxing is less of a fan than you.
- Rack up five or even six(!) figure post counts on forums where you think you maintain some kind of importance and reputation. Be sure to use vulgar language and change the names of boxers slightly into some kind of witty insult. Use those words for years on end.
- Form factions. It's very important you lead a group of likeminded forumites and YouTube commenters.
- Find guys the top P4P fighters haven't fought yet and elevate them into killers regardless of their resume. The longer the P4P guy you resent hasn't fought your latest hope the more scared they are and the bigger killer your guy is. The correlation is inverse!
- Be sure to be the top commenter on YouTube videos featuring guys or fights you don't like. Make sure the comment is disproportionately critical and insulting - this is how you maintain your "edge".
- Overriding all of the above is a need to be persistently negative and pessimistic about everything. It will give the impression you have an elevated understanding of things, unlike the "sheep" who have been "fooled by the mainstream media". (Note: this applies to the extreme political ideologies you are likely attracted to as well.)
- Guard carefully against any signs of enthusiasm or positivity creeping in or a desire to do something constructive. All of the above is at stake if you allow this and you have too much to lose.