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Floyd's 5 best wins

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    Originally posted by Boxing-1013 View Post
    For the record, this is what I found, from Shane's perspective, on the proposed 2 fights with Floyd in 99 and 06.

    Q: After you challenged him, a week later, Mayweather wished you good luck in your career which seemed to indicate hes not interested in fighting you. He also mentioned that he challenged you twice, and he claims that you turned him down back in 1999 and again in 2006. Did you really turn him down?

    A: Like I said, hes really a liar. He likes to lie a lot. In 1999 theres a film where hes fighting in Michigan when he was fighting at 130 and I was fighting at 135, and I asked him, like when HBO does the prefight analysts talk to the fighters before they fight. I talked to him, and hopefully its recorded somewhereI think it was on FXI asked him, Are you planning on coming up to lightweight to fight me? And he said, No, He had no intention of coming to lightweight to fight me, he wanted t beat Carlos Monzons record. He didnt want to come to lightweight. Thats when I jumped from lightweight to welterweight to fight Oscar De La Hoya. That was the first incident that hes talking about, so he turned me down in 1999.

    Now, the other time hes talking about is when I fought three timesone, two, three, back-to-back-to-backand they tried to rush me to fight him right away, like two or three months later. I said, give me a month, and well do it like, I think it was in JanuaryI said, Well do it in January. They wanted to do it in like November or December, and I said, Give me a month and well do it in January or February. They didnt want to do that. So they chose to fight Oscar De La Hoya. I said, Go ahead and fight Oscar, and if you beat Oscar, then lets get busy. Lets do this. He beat Oscarhe didnt want to fight me.

    Hes been turning me down. I hate when he continues to say, Oh, he turned me down because of a tooth ache. Yeah. I got head butted in that fight that and my tooth was loose that night. They asked me to fight Mayweather and I said, Give me an extra month, and Ill fight him. He didnt want to fight me, which was cool. He could go and fight Oscar because thats more money. Okay. Thats cool, but after that fight if you winfight me. He didnt want to do that. He chose to retire or fight somebody else. Im getting tired of that lie! They need to wipe that lie out of there. The reporters and stuff, they keep saying it, so that lie needs to be talked about.

    So who knows what is what, but his story sounds reasonable to me.
    This sounds reasonable?

    He literally told merchant no on video. Lmfao.


      Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post

      He didn’t duck over a toothache, all he did was ask for more time to heal from a loose tooth. Of course you ignore the fact that Shane called out Floyd at 135 and Floyd flat out said no. He was too busy fighting slow, flat footed brawlers.
      Shane stated prior to Vargas 2 that he wanted to take a vacation, same thing Floyd did after Hatton, but Floyd ducked the whole division for 2 years.


        Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post

        Stop it ghost. I know you don’t like Floyd but come on.
        For some reason you only believe Floyd’s side of the story, as if he is the pillar of honesty and truth. I think Mosley gives a good telling of events from his side of the story.

        Q: You were in attendance for the Floyd Mayweather-Juan Manuel Marquez bout. What is your evaluation of Mayweather’s performance?

        A: Well, I really couldn’t evaluate it because he fought a junior lightweight and the lightweight champion. I couldn’t tell if he actually improved or anything because he was so much bigger than the guy, but from what I had seen he looked like he has his speed back, he looked pretty sharp, but look at the opponent he was facing..

        Q: After the fight you actually challenged Floyd Mayweather and many observers, according to what I have read, noted that Mayweather appeared intimidated by you. Did you get that impression at the time?

        A: Well, I’ve always known that Floyd is intimidated by me. I mean, I see him out at different places and he’s intimidated, he doesn’t really want to fight me. He would much rather fight guys that he could handpick and get victories from and basically just get money. He can make money fighting Marquez, make money fighting (Manny) Pacquiao, and make money fighting the Ricky Hattons of the world, but when is he going to get in there with a welterweight again? With a real welterweight? I mean, there’s myself—the number one welterweight—and there’s (Miguel) Cotto,(Joshua) Clottey, and (Andre) Berto. We have four welterweights that he hasn’t fought.

        Q: After you challenged him, a week later, Mayweather wished you good luck in your career which seemed to indicate he’s not interested in fighting you. He also mentioned that he challenged you twice, and he claims that you turned him down back in 1999 and again in 2006. Did you really turn him down?

        A: Like I said, he’s really a liar. He likes to lie a lot. In 1999 there’s a film where he’s fighting in Michigan when he was fighting at 130 and I was fighting at 135, and I asked him, like when HBO does the prefight analysts talk to the fighters before they fight. I talked to him, and hopefully it’s recorded somewhere—I think it was on FX—I asked him, “Are you planning on coming up to lightweight to fight me?” And he said, “No,” He had no intention of coming to lightweight to fight me, he wanted t beat Carlos Monzon’s record. He didn’t want to come to lightweight. That’s when I jumped from lightweight to welterweight to fight Oscar De La Hoya. That was the first incident that he’s talking about, so he turned me down in 1999.

        Now, the other time he’s talking about is when I fought three times—one, two, three, back-to-back-to-back—and they tried to rush me to fight him right away, like two or three months later. I said, give me a month, and we’ll do it like, I think it was in January—I said, “We’ll do it in January”. They wanted to do it in like November or December, and I said, “Give me a month and we’ll do it in January or February.” They didn’t want to do that. So they chose to fight Oscar De La Hoya. I said, “Go ahead and fight Oscar, and if you beat Oscar, then let’s get busy. Let’s do this.” He beat Oscar—he didn’t want to fight me.

        He’s been turning me down. I hate when he continues to say, “Oh, he turned me down because of a tooth ache”. Yeah. I got head butted in that fight that and my tooth was loose that night. They asked me to fight Mayweather and I said, “Give me an extra month, and I’ll fight him.” He didn’t want to fight me, which was cool. He could go and fight Oscar because that’s more money. Okay. That’s cool, but after that fight if you win—fight me. He didn’t want to do that. He chose to retire or fight somebody else. I’m getting tired of that lie! They need to wipe that lie out of there. The reporters and stuff, they keep saying it, so that lie needs to be talked about.
        Spoon23 Spoon23 likes this.


          Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post

          This sounds reasonable?

          He literally told merchant no on video. Lmfao.
          So you don't believe Shane's version of the incident in 99?


            Why do these Floyd Boys seem to believe that beating Cotto after Margarito and Manny ravaged him, beating Shane after getting beat bad by Forrest and Winky 2x, and being in tough fights with Oscar, Cotto, and Vargas 2x, and beating Manny after being ko'd bad by Marquez, is all time great s**t.
            Boxing-1013 Boxing-1013 likes this.


              Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post

              For some reason you only believe Floyd’s side of the story, as if he is the pillar of honesty and truth. I think Mosley gives a good telling of events from his side of the story.

              Q: You were in attendance for the Floyd Mayweather-Juan Manuel Marquez bout. What is your evaluation of Mayweather’s performance?

              A: Well,I really couldn't evaluate it because he fought a junior lightweight and the lightweight champion. I couldn’t tell if he actually improved or anything because he was so much bigger than the guy, but from what I had seen he looked like he has his speed back, he looked pretty sharp, but look at the opponent he was facing..

              Q: After the fight you actually challenged Floyd Mayweather and many observers, according to what I have read, noted that Mayweather appeared intimidated by you. Did you get that impression at the time?

              A: Well, I;ve always known that Floyd is intimidated by me. I mean, I see him out at different places and he’s intimidated, he doesn’t really want to fight me. He would much rather fight guys that he could handpick and get victories from and basically just get money. He can make money fighting Marquez, make money fighting (Manny) Pacquiao, and make money fighting the Ricky Hattons of the world, but when is he going to get in there with a welterweight again? With a real welterweight? I mean, there’s myself—the number one welterweight—and there’s (Miguel) Cotto,(Joshua) Clottey, and (Andre) Berto. We have four welterweights that he hasn’t fought.

              Q: After you challenged him, a week later, Mayweather wished you good luck in your career which seemed to indicate he’s not interested in fighting you. He also mentioned that he challenged you twice, and he claims that you turned him down back in 1999 and again in 2006. Did you really turn him down?

              A: Like I said, he's really a liar. He likes to lie a lot. In 1999 there’s a film where he’s fighting in Michigan when he was fighting at 130 and I was fighting at 135, and I asked him, like when HBO does the prefight analysts talk to the fighters before they fight. I talked to him, and hopefully it’s recorded somewhere—I think it was on FX—I asked him, “Are you planning on coming up to lightweight to fight me?” And he said, “No,” He had no intention of coming to lightweight to fight me, he wanted t beat Carlos Monzon’s record. He didn’t want to come to lightweight. That’s when I jumped from lightweight to welterweight to fight Oscar De La Hoya. That was the first incident that he’s talking about, so he turned me down in 1999.

              Now, the other time he’s talking about is when I fought three times—one, two, three, back-to-back-to-back—and they tried to rush me to fight him right away, like two or three months later. I said, give me a month, and we’ll do it like, I think it was in January—I said, “We’ll do it in January”. They wanted to do it in like November or December, and I said, “Give me a month and we’ll do it in January or February.” They didn’t want to do that. So they chose to fight Oscar De La Hoya. I said, “Go ahead and fight Oscar, and if you beat Oscar, then let’s get busy. Let’s do this.” He beat Oscar—he didn’t want to fight me.

              He’s been turning me down. I hate when he continues to say, “Oh, he turned me down because of a tooth ache”. Yeah. I got head butted in that fight that and my tooth was loose that night. They asked me to fight Mayweather and I said, “Give me an extra month, and I’ll fight him.” He didn’t want to fight me, which was cool. He could go and fight Oscar because that’s more money. Okay. That’s cool, but after that fight if you win—fight me. He didn’t want to do that. He chose to retire or fight somebody else. I’m getting tired of that lie! They need to wipe that lie out of there. The reporters and stuff, they keep saying it, so that lie needs to be talked about.

              The cat is out of the bag! Floyd's circus antics challenging fighters 2 weight class lower than him and cheats in is scale is not a good look.. but to these Fl0mos they put Marquez win as a great thing.. That shows how they'll try to make a superficial win as a great win. When they know damn well that was not even a win to be proud off.

              Big DuNN goes down again.. how many more.. we will never know..

              To add..

              FLOYD VS MARQUEZ fight happened : fought on Sept 2009 when Marquez was currently in the light weight division. Who had to jump 2 weight classes to meet Floyd in the Welterweight division when Marquez a year before was only a super feather weight. So technically, Marquez was a small dude going up 2 more weight classes even if he hasn't stayed too long in the light weight division.

              So what does Floyd do? He had a stipulation that they will fight at a limit of 146. But since was a light weight at that time and did not have the muscle mass to compete at more than 144, and above that was pushing it to a very unfair advantage for Floyd..

              Floyd agreed that anything above 144 Floyd had to pay $600,000.

              And what does Floyd Do? came in 3 pounds over the 144 lbs weight limit which was a full 147 welterweight.

              So Marquez a light weight had to fight a man who didn't follow the gentleman's agreement of having to at least fight at 144 to have a fair chance to fight. Settled with a 147 Floyd Mayweather. A full welterweight that didn't even even lose a few pounds to make the fight fair.

              what happened?

              What happened was what was expected a big bully defeated the smaller light weight. A smaller light weight that punched his hell out and his punches were so light you can see how it was bouncing of Floyd like as if he's superman. Was that even fair? Nope. Is that a measure of being a great fight knowing Marquez was a lighter smaller man competing with a natural Welterweight at that time?

              Yes Marquez gained weight for that fight, but everyone knows muscles mass takes years to grow and Marquez had 3 months to come in a welterweight body which to those who know muscle anabolic is impossible to make in a short time.

              A good example of this fight.. is Mikey Garcia vs Errol Spence, no matter what Mikey Did, his small light weight body couldn't dent the heavier bigger man in Spence. Same scenario. Marquez punches were bouncing off of Floyd just as Mikey was with Spence in their relative opponents.. Was it a fair fight.. Nope, especially for Marquez, who was cheated in the scales.

              Is it a worthy barometer to gauge Marquez competitiveness against Floyd. Nope..

              If he was Marquez that had grown to be the welterweight division and that fought Pac in the 3rd and 4th fight. Where they were legit welterweights and grown in the weight. I'll give props to Floyd's win over MArquez, but it wasn't. Floyd cheated in the scales over a light weight with a huge weight advantage over a lightweight Marquez. That doesn't really weigh much if you think about it.. Not much weight at all.. Too watered down to even matter.

              case closed
              Last edited by Spoon23; 06-02-2021, 08:32 PM.


                Originally posted by djtmal View Post

                In other words, why can't I use my best Floyd excuses in a thread that has cut and dry parameters
                what excuses. Floyd won these fights. It’s the losers that are making excuses for why the guys lost- shoulder, age, weight etc etc.

                The “ not in their prime” thing is just something fans of losers came up with because it’s a subjective measure rooted in personal beliefs, not facts.

                Guys like you never use objective measures to assess this m.

                Example- you saying the manny fight doesn’t count. You subjectively decided it doesn’t because he wasn’t prime. Yet if you based it on objective criteria -there is no way possible a win over the #2 p4p fighter and the 2nd ranked ww other than Floyd isn’t a great win.

                you did the same thing with Thurman. You subjectively call it a great win. Objectively- he wasn’t a top p4p guy, had 1 fight In 2 years, a MD win over a gatekeeper, yet you focus on him being “prime” based solely on his age.

                with Floyd, you use previous fights and time off to subjectively decide if his opponents were “shot” or fresh. Yet with Thurman no mention of his previous opposition or time off.

                just use the same objective measures every time and then we can have a fair discussion.

                The Manny that fought Floyd was better than the Thurman that manny beat even though Thurman was younger and presumably fresher. he just wasn’t better by any objective measure.

                when you back a loser you Either give credit or make excuses. You and others choose excuse making.

                Last edited by The Big Dunn; 06-02-2021, 08:38 PM.


                  It seems like only journalists mention Genaro Hernandez as one of Mayweather’s top 3 wins. Even Floyd’s biggest critic journalists mention Hernandez as top 5.

                  Fans seldom mention the 130lb Lineal/WBC champion Genaro Hernandez. Hernandez was a fair 3-2 favorite. You can find all kinds of publications predicting a Hernandez win. It was a good matchup going in. To put it into perspective, Genaro Hernandez was ranked #1 at 130 by The Ring, was the Lineal champion, and Floyd was a lower tier SFW at the time.

                  But I guess hindsight bias prevails, like most of Mayweather’s top wins.


                    Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post

                    For some reason you only believe Floyd’s side of the story, as if he is the pillar of honesty and truth. I think Mosley gives a good telling of events from his side of the story.

                    Q: You were in attendance for the Floyd Mayweather-Juan Manuel Marquez bout. What is your evaluation of Mayweather’s performance?

                    A: Well, I really couldn’t evaluate it because he fought a junior lightweight and the lightweight champion. I couldn’t tell if he actually improved or anything because he was so much bigger than the guy, but from what I had seen he looked like he has his speed back, he looked pretty sharp, but look at the opponent he was facing..

                    Q: After the fight you actually challenged Floyd Mayweather and many observers, according to what I have read, noted that Mayweather appeared intimidated by you. Did you get that impression at the time?

                    A: Well, I’ve always known that Floyd is intimidated by me. I mean, I see him out at different places and he’s intimidated, he doesn’t really want to fight me. He would much rather fight guys that he could handpick and get victories from and basically just get money. He can make money fighting Marquez, make money fighting (Manny) Pacquiao, and make money fighting the Ricky Hattons of the world, but when is he going to get in there with a welterweight again? With a real welterweight? I mean, there’s myself—the number one welterweight—and there’s (Miguel) Cotto,(Joshua) Clottey, and (Andre) Berto. We have four welterweights that he hasn’t fought.

                    Q: After you challenged him, a week later, Mayweather wished you good luck in your career which seemed to indicate he’s not interested in fighting you. He also mentioned that he challenged you twice, and he claims that you turned him down back in 1999 and again in 2006. Did you really turn him down?

                    A: Like I said, he’s really a liar. He likes to lie a lot. In 1999 there’s a film where he’s fighting in Michigan when he was fighting at 130 and I was fighting at 135, and I asked him, like when HBO does the prefight analysts talk to the fighters before they fight. I talked to him, and hopefully it’s recorded somewhere—I think it was on FX—I asked him, “Are you planning on coming up to lightweight to fight me?” And he said, “No,” He had no intention of coming to lightweight to fight me, he wanted t beat Carlos Monzon’s record. He didn’t want to come to lightweight. That’s when I jumped from lightweight to welterweight to fight Oscar De La Hoya. That was the first incident that he’s talking about, so he turned me down in 1999.

                    Now, the other time he’s talking about is when I fought three times—one, two, three, back-to-back-to-back—and they tried to rush me to fight him right away, like two or three months later. I said, give me a month, and we’ll do it like, I think it was in January—I said, “We’ll do it in January”. They wanted to do it in like November or December, and I said, “Give me a month and we’ll do it in January or February.” They didn’t want to do that. So they chose to fight Oscar De La Hoya. I said, “Go ahead and fight Oscar, and if you beat Oscar, then let’s get busy. Let’s do this.” He beat Oscar—he didn’t want to fight me.

                    He’s been turning me down. I hate when he continues to say, “Oh, he turned me down because of a tooth ache”. Yeah. I got head butted in that fight that and my tooth was loose that night. They asked me to fight Mayweather and I said, “Give me an extra month, and I’ll fight him.” He didn’t want to fight me, which was cool. He could go and fight Oscar because that’s more money. Okay. That’s cool, but after that fight if you win—fight me. He didn’t want to do that. He chose to retire or fight somebody else. I’m getting tired of that lie! They need to wipe that lie out of there. The reporters and stuff, they keep saying it, so that lie needs to be talked about.
                    This story was told after the toothache video, correct?

                    So you tell me, since you saw the video and saw how he reacted when Merchant asked him-
                    why not just say this when Merchant asked him?

                    come on ghost if this was anyone else you’d not believe them.


                      I would say Oscar

