Originally posted by Johnny Rebel
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Why does the americans constantly fail to give the Klitscho's the props they deserve?
The problem with Americans not liking the Klit bros has nothing to do with boxing fans in America, but the media in America. Everyday there is 20 different MMA fights on tv at any given time. Guys like Brock Lesnar and Kimbo Slice are paraded around like heroes, complete with tv/radio/newspaper articles. But nothing on boxing. There was an interview on the local tv station about a week ago about Holyfied fighting in Africa, and the news reporter asked Holyfield if he would fight Tyson again for the title. Holyfield informed her of the titles being owned by the Klits, and she had no clue who they were. The sports reporter only knew of the Klits because of th 1996 Olympics in GA.
Wlad may be boring, but he is winning, point blank. Vitali took four years off and came back and beat a 45-1 fighter, wwhat other fighter could do that (and do not say Tyson b/c McNeeley is a bum)...............
Its all about exposure, look how America brought up Tyson as the savior, and he turned out to be a fragile jawed, no heart bum. Sure he be some big names, but he lost to no namers that true champions should have defeated (ie McBride,Douglas,Williams).
True boxing fans in America have nothing against the Klits, we just prefer our athletes to act like immature freaks that start riots at weigh-ins, jump off cars to get to an opponent, run their mouths like they are the Messiah, claiming to be the best so and so..........And that is America
Originally posted by joseph5620 View PostYou send me red K and messages I have to delete. Don't try to lie and claim I "stalk you". Nothing could be further from the truth. You are a punk and a racist who is not even on my radar. Show the dates where I have "stalked you" and everyone will see what a liar you are.
What exactly did you mean by calling Mangler a "Clarence Thomas" when he denounced Floyd's racist comments again?
Here is just a sample of the ignorance that you've sent me:
Originally posted by joseph5620lol what's wrong...you gonna cry now? LOL *****/***** Now take your prozac like a good boy and go to sleep. BTW give the aunt you left for dead a big sloppy wet kiss for me. After that, I have a big black stiff one for your mom.Originally posted by joseph5620If your mom had you then she has no morals. Now go scratch a backwards B on your face and tell people a big black ***** supporter assaulted you. You would probably like it and you're dumb enough to try it. F*** you, F*** Sarah Palin and the "first dude".The era of right wing bigots like you is over. How does it feel? You gonna cry now?:
Originally posted by joseph5620You need a box of tampons you prissy little *****. Anybody who says "Glen Beck rules" and only likes white fighters like you do is an out of style racist. I'm superior to you in every way which is why your ****** ass follows me around lol. Take it deep, *****.Originally posted by joseph5620And you're still a *****, racist prick. Is your aunt dead yet after she voted for *****?Originally posted by joseph5620it means you can suck his ****, david duke.Originally posted by joseph5620My sig is better than yours lolOriginally posted by joseph5620My sig is true and you know it. How does it feel you racist prick? lolOriginally posted by joseph5620You played yourself and exposed yourself lol Thanks!
As for the thread, with Vitali, it's mostly due to resume. He started late (26) and then took 4 years off. With Wlad, today's division being a bit lacking, combined with his now boring style.Last edited by Jim Jeffries; 08-11-2009, 01:17 AM.
For the most part because they simply aren't american (african), who traditionally for the last x number of years have represented american heavyweight boxing.
Why do non-Americans care so much about what Americans think about non-American fighters? I don't care what anyone thinks about my favorite fighters.
Originally posted by Hazard View PostI dare to say, had they been slick loud mouthed black fighters they would have been considered top 5 ATG heavyweights. The americans always underrate the Klitscho's. Lewis was a boring guy who used his jab and long reach yet he is considered top 10 ATG HW. Had it not been for that bull**** cut Vitali would have exposed him.
What is your thoughts on this matter?
Discuss..Exposed the 37 year old past-prime Lewis
wlad can be 80-3- and 0 and American fans still wont put him in the top 10 p4p while american fighters like paul williams, chad dawson, tim bradley and other americans with a resume with practically not near as impressive as wlads make it in the top 10 very easily, i remember james toney a few years back was in the top 10 p4p as a Hweight, that was ******ity, hes not anywhere better than wlad as Hweight to be ahead of wlad